Why was Barry the most successful of all the Germanics?

Why was Barry the most successful of all the Germanics?

by Judah_Earl

  1. Geography is destiny

    Most defensible geostrategic position. River and canal system across the entire country to make transport the cheapest. Decent farmland with almost no natural disasters

  2. Short answer:


    Longer answer:

    >England had the largest population in the Isles and somewhat centralized governance, so Scotland, Wales and Ireland stood no shot=> solid powerbase.

    >The main continental powers couldn’t invade England without a navy, which was super expensive when they had to finance all the armies to kill each other in the continent.

    >A “modern-ish” political system came earlier. Spain in the 17th century didn’t exist it was a bunch of crowns mix together with several degrees of exemption from taxation (also why Castille became so depleted, the Habsburgs could tax it much easier than Aragon, Naples or Flanders); In the 18th century France also had no rational taxation system. Thus, Barry was able to push above his weight.

    >No one knows why but Capitalism had the conditions to emerge in England (and in a smaller degree in the Netherlands). Wages were much higher even before the industrial revolution, when compared with everywhere else=> incentive to industrialize. Also less archaic laws in the middle of progress no matter how brutal it was (such as Enclosures).

  3. # “The beauty of their women and the taste of their food make brits the best sailors in the world”

  4. Not really successful and not really Germanic, but they sure are Barry.

  5. The world isn’t yet ready to understand the superior teachings of the superior Central Europeans, that’s why we sent our less developed Germanic cousins to work the ground in which we shall lay out glorious seed

  6. Germanic? Nah… It’s that oh so special mix of Celtic,Nordic,and Anglo Saxon that created the one and only Barry.

    Plonk all that onto an island and let it brew for a few hundred years and you get a people capable of ruling the world and annoying the rest of Europe with our magnificence 😂😂😂😂

  7. Almost everything you criticize us for is a strength, we are an island nation that loves to fight, and we’re no-nonsense problem solvers, adventurous and industrious and tend to strive to do the right thing (Don’t scoff!).

    We are a mongrel nation and fiercely proud of it, we’ve had Celts, Romans, Danes, Angles, Saxons, Normans (Not French, you can’t disavow them for 1,000 years and then claim them just to wind us up!). We explored the world and took home with us peoples, foods, cultures etc that we like and incorporated them, we actively made ourselves into a diverse nation long before it was strived for by the rest of the Western world.

    Name another colonial country that is still friends, allies and trading partners with its former colonies, the Commonwealth is unique, with countries that weren’t even colonies of ours asking to join. WE ARE NOT BELGIUM!

    Our ability to laugh, at ourselves mostly is also a strength, while the Euro’s on here puff out their chests when fun is poked at them, when it’s our turn we join in. We drink, we laugh, we fight, we’re not perfect.

    But most of all, when all is said and done, at the end of the day, without beating around the bush, when the dust settles, we are the most successful of the Germanics because of Scotland.


  8. They copied the Dutch’s homework without having to worry about being invaded by the French.

  9. Because as long as we have our Portubro’s, we’ll always be winners 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇵🇹

  10. I recommend that everyone should read Tim Marshalls „Prisoners of Geography“ and „The Power of Geography“ to learn or get an idea of why things happened the way they did. Not everything is completely random. A lot of our history and future was/is largely predetermined by geography.

  11. Because they were the only ones that also had a Latin base. The rest of them are irredeemable barbarians.

  12. Barry enjoyed easy access to a large supply of coal as well. This credited more to their succes than even the global empire they built.

  13. the other germanics couldn’t see its value, but forefather Barry saw a rock, and he laid claim to it. later on, the germanics watched Barry as he flourished on his rock, his position very hard to attack. Barry was happy on his rock, and there was nothing anyone could do about it

  14. So, basically:

    Navy + won the colonisation lottery

    (And we’re the least successful of all those countries now so it’s irrelevant)

  15. Having near surface level coal was a big bonus for the industrial revolution.

  16. Semi-serious answer: the political system. From the glorious revolution onwards England and Britain were extremely politically stable in comparison to the rest of Europe, not suffering any major invasions or revolutions, which gave us the conditions to industrialise first. 
    So regretfully, some credit might have to be given to the Dutch. 

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