Venezuelas Oppositionsführer Freddy Superlano wurde festgenommen, teilte die Partei mit

Venezuelas Oppositionsführer Freddy Superlano wurde festgenommen, teilte die Partei mit

  1. This is troubling news. Freddy Superlano has been a significant figure in the opposition movement in Venezuela. I hope his detention doesn’t escalate tensions further.

  2. It seems that Maduro has the same mindset as Putin: he thinks he will be president forever.

  3. I really hope this doesn’t escalate into a civil war. That won’t help anyone

  4. I won’t forgive the world if the international community doesn’t intervene

  5. I wonder if this going to cause the international community to get involved. I can see a few South American countries like Brazil, Chile and Argentina getting involved.

  6. Take notes US conservatives, this is what using the justice system against your political opponents actually looks like.

  7. “Mr President! The people are revolting after your election, they’ve seized military outposts and are arming themselves! What do we do?!”

    “I know, jail the opposition!”

  8. Maduro is done. If anyone is watching all the civil unrest unfolding in Venezuela right now you can easily see how the police and military are on the side of the opposition. Maduro is likely going to be assassinated soon. 1 less thug to worry about.

  9. And more Venezuelans will continue to leave to countries (like here in Peru) in order to support their families. Although most I meet are professionals who are well educated (lawyers, IT pros mostly) this Unfortunately this also caused an uptick in migration of criminals and they are being demonized in the media. Those who can afford leave Caracas for places like Lima or Aruba have already left. I fear for the future of Venezuela and their people who have tolerated so much BS from this regime. Enough is enough and it is time for positive change

  10. Daily reminder that you can’t vote yourself out of socialism. Once it comes a dictatorship it’s over.

  11. I see people here claiming that it will only escalate things further and now Maduro’s finished for certain.

    Maduro uses Putin’s tactics, and in Russia these tactics worked every single time so far. Both in the 2012 and the 2018 Russian elections protests against Putin happened after the obliviously rigged results were announced, but every time they died down after the authorities arrested the opposition leaders (Nemtsov, Navalny etc). Without them the opposition lost coordination and organization to the point when mass protests were no longer possible, as police quickly dealt with smaller protests.

    The same thing happened in the previous Venezuelan elections, and Maduro won back then as well. The point is, in an authoritarian dictatorship, unless the police and/or the armed forces are on the protesters’ side, the opposition is almost always guaranteed to lose. So don’t go “it’s over for Maduro” just yet, it may very well end like it did in 2018.

  12. Time for the people to take out the trash. Maduro that is. He may get the mussolini treatment

  13. Crazy how one evil person who wants more money and power can prevent an entire country from being happy and progressing. Go protesters, tear that shit up

  14. People seem to misunderstand that democracy is essentially an honor system. If someone refuses to play by the rule and convinces others to follow suit, you can’t just vote that away. Leveraging force becomes the only option.

  15. Take heed, America! If you think this could only happen in a 3rd-world country, think again. This is EXACTLY what Drumpf says he would do if elected.

  16. This is the October Surprise. By the time this escalates to Biden’s desk Trump will blaming the left and trying to associate them with Maduro.

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