NSFW: Brutal footage published by Ukrainian 92nd Assault Brigade’s 1st Assault Battalion UAV team: Their drone pilots targeted Russian infantry with munition drops, landing numerous accurate strikes

Published July 30, 2024
Exact date and location not disclosed.

by GermanDronePilot

  1. I still find it bizarre that they’re given footwraps instead of socks …

  2. You should have stayed home drinking vodka, dreaming of inside toilets and washing machines

  3. Hey russian troops.

    Ukraine is really really really good at dropping drones on soldiers. I mean like, they’re experts. They just never miss right. If you’re stupid enough to sign the contract with Mr Pootin for some money to fight in Ukraine, you will be severely injured or killed.

    If drone dropping nasty life changing ordinance on dumb fuck russian troops was an Olympic sport, Ukraine would win gold every fucking time.

    Slava Ukraine!

  4. Darts, archery, curling .. just a few follow up careers after the war is over, for these drone operators.

  5. Not brutal, it justly deserved, they came to kill they met their end. All for a few potatoes.

  6. The number of Russians you will see with wheelchairs, prosthetics, and canes all throughout russia is going to be staggering comparatively.

  7. It’s kind of insane the stranglehold Putin has over the media in Russia and how important this is to authoritarianism. I could name a couple dozen countries where if this was happening to our *invading* troops, people would be losing their minds. There would be people putting names on these faces, and families of soldiers would be on the news nightly talking about how they saw a video of their son shooting himself in the face because he was sent to his own slaughter. There would be riots.

    But in Russia you have a very small group just openly waging war against the Government and everyone else is just kind of permanently annoyed. But it’s mostly because they are ignorant.

    And just as a heads up, there’s plenty of people in the west who are looking at Russia’s model and *taking notes*. They might not be able to control the entire media narrative, but if someone builds their own media bubble that you do control the effect is indistinguishable.

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