U.S. National Defense Commission: Pentagon has ‘insufficient’ forces ‘inadequate’ to face China, Russia

U.S. National Defense Commission: Pentagon has ‘insufficient’ forces ‘inadequate’ to face China, Russia


by Independent_Lie_9982

  1. In Europe, the report says the NDS was wrong to call Russia, like many US officials have since, an “acute threat.” The term, it says, “underestimates the threat from Russia by implying it is intense but limited in duration.” Rather, the threat from Moscow is “chronic,” the report says, “ongoing and persistent.”

    To counter the Kremlin in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine, the Commission says the “only viable course of action is to increase the scale, capability, and freedom to use material provided to Ukraine so that it can push Russia back.”

    It also calls for the US to “boost its forward presence in Eastern Europe — built around an armored corps and complete with headquarters, fires, air defenses and armored, sustainment and aviation units — to deter Russian aggression against NATO’s eastern flank.”

    “Ultimately,” it says, “the goal is for Europe to take on a larger role in providing for its defense, with assured and critical support of the United States. In light of the potential for simultaneous conflicts, capability targets apportioned to European allies through the NATO Defense Planning Process should be intentionally selected to reduce overreliance on the United States for key capabilities enablers.”

  2. ‘The Pentagon Says They Need More Money’

    This is like a water is wet headline.

  3. Russia looking lose 1m troops in Russia. They moved from losing 300 troops a day at the beginning to a 1000 and don’t appear to be struggling to fill the gaps. The meat grinder style hasn’t been seen by the west in almost 100 years and the west is going to have to prepare for that type of war

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