Hate preacher not in advanced talks to buy Scottish island Torsa

Hate preacher not in advanced talks to buy Scottish island Torsa

by youwhatwhat

  1. Fucking amazing the way the UK gutter press works. Religious huckster spins up some shite, newspapers desperate for content and to be shitty to brown people screech about it and plaster him everywhere, the usual suspects start talking about deporting all the Muslims, leaving a bunch of young and frustrated ones much more vulnerable to radicalisation, and the huckster has a bunch of new marks! Everyone wins!

  2. So, much premature outrage has been wasted on speculative ‘end of civilisation as we know it’, tittle-tattle?

    I must write to my MP!!

  3. It was quite clearly a grift, and was never going to happen. Glad that the estate agents have clarified the misinformation.

    The Daily Mail not doing any research beyond the group’s Facebook post, is ridiculous but not surprising. And the fact that other tabloids like the National began to run with it, is again ridiculous but not surprising.

    We really need better standards of our print media.

  4. But I thought a forinor was going to unilaterally change the law on that island so I should be scared of people who don’t look like me and vote for racist cunts next election? Or was the Daily Heil making shit up?

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