Southport stabbings latest: Riot police deployed and bricks thrown outside mosque; names of young victims revealed

Southport stabbings latest: Riot police deployed and bricks thrown outside mosque; names of young victims revealed

by topotaul

  1. The footage I’ve seen of it kicking off looks bad. It looks worse than what was happening in Leeds and that was bad enough.

  2. Utter fucking scum just gagging for an excuse to vent their racism

    The killer wasn’t even an immigrant so what the fuck are they rioting about? Who knows?

  3. I hate the fact that right-wing morons are using the horrific event as a means to stir up hate. I bet most of them don’t give two shits about the kids. They’ve just seen an opportunity to go and smash up a mosque despite there not being any evidence the guy was a Muslim.

  4. Ironically, most of the doctors and nurses treating the injured children at Alder Hey hospital will have been from multicultural backgrounds and faiths. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.

  5. “We’re not racist!”

    Immediately takes frustrations out on a mosque. About right for the EDL. Don’t drink Tippex, lads.

  6. Fucking mad there’s no indication that the perpetrator was a Muslim literally just using it as an excuse to indulge in their bigotry. Not that it would be ok to attack a mosque even if he was a Muslim.

  7. “We have already said that the person arrested was born in the UK and speculation helps nobody at this time”

    The problem is these types just don’t believe you. It’s just all one big cover-up. The Tate’s of this earth have really done a number here.

  8. Haven’t the police there been through enough already!

    From helping grieving families to dealing with these pricks!!

  9. Why? WHY? Cause he’s from Rwanda? Where 95%+ of the population isn’t even of Muslim faith?! (Not that it would make it ok regardless)

    Fucking idiots.

  10. When the last riot occurred, everyone was blaming “culture” for the violence, with the implication that the culture was imported.

    The British have regularly rioted for literally thousands of years for a multitude of reasons.

    Well here we are again. This is unfortunately just something that happens everywhere, particularly when it’s hot!

  11. – Police van on fire (same as Harehills)
    – Officer with broken nose (same as Manchester Airport)

    One day we’ll realise that cunts come in all sizes, colours and persuasions…

  12. I’ll be honest folks, being a British Muslim hasn’t been particularly fun for me lately 😅

    Deplorable behaviour though. Those kids and their families deserve a lot better than this. Heart goes out to them ♥️

  13. They do realise that if his parents were both Rwandan it is extremely unlikely he is muslim?

  14. Wasn’t there a whole thing a few days ago here where people were calling Muslim culture every bad thing possible because they are supposedly predisposed to riot? Well, look how the tables turn.

    Can we not all agree that there are racist pricks amongst all communities and call these people out for being dicks?

  15. Absolute scumbags. The utter disrespect to the families who are suffering and grieving right now is disgusting.  

    They don’t give a shit about the poor victims and instead are using their suffering as an excuse to stir up some racist bile and smash up the community.  

    Where was the concern of these cunt’s or their protests at the previous dozen stabbings or shootings in Merseyside? 

  16. It’s an absolute disgrace.

    Local racists been planning this on facebook since yesterday. It started with them going straight to the mosque and then when some people expressed their discomfort at the racially motivated undertones they update all their advertisement to just meeting at the name of the street (where the mosque was located).

    There’s no evidence that islam is involved at all, you could throw blame at scooby doo and it would hold the same weight, but they don’t care about facts or the beautiful victims of the attack they only care about their hate fuelled agenda.

    Really such a shame that my town and my community have come together so beautifully since the attack with local businesses offering free support, counselling, food, money, (licensed) people have offered free security to help the kids feel safe at upcoming events and so on. Then the beautiful vigil held at the town hall earlier this evening only for it all to be marred by this absolutely disgusting display.

    I know that it’s not just locals there and that far right idiots have commuted in just for this but it all makes me so angry.

    The same police being praised yesterday for their handling of the attack are now being attacked themselves. I shouldn’t be able to see smoke from a police van set on fire from my garden.

    [edit] fixing some of my rage spelling

  17. Ah, a community finally coming together to heal. Good to see British spirit isn’t dead.

    Oh wait, they’re targeting people who had nothing to do with it because they need people to blame. Fucks sake guys, the blood has barely dried, can you not make it all about you? Just support the people that need supporting.

  18. Imagine attacking the police the day after they arrested the perpetrator and provided medical aid to the victims

    Absolute mouth breathers

  19. So last week the far-right were upset that a police officer was attacked.

    This week they attack police officers, who were first in the scene and arrested the suspect, and set fire to their vans.

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