Guess how much money is in this tin of panettone.

I'll be counting this for the next hour so. My guess is £40. The tin weighs 14.3kg.

by voyacomerlo

  1. Update: I’m about 1/8th deep and already have £8 just in 20pences.. gonna be more than I thought.

  2. £125.11

    Maybe I’m really tired and my maths is off, but 14.3kg is 14300g. Tin probably weighs 100g, from memory of a [generic tin] they are pretty light. Moving on. A 1p weighs 3.56g, a 2p weighs 7.12g (exactly double, TIL). 5p and 10p weigh about the same as the 1p and 2p respectively, but worth significantly more.

    Therefore I think the *least* it could be is if the tin was full of 1p and 2p, which would be around £40 (14200/3.56)/100. £39.88 to be precise.

    Anywho I’m seeing a fairly even mix of 1/2/5/10p. Can’t see any 20s or 50s or £1/2. With that in mind I’ve assumed an even distribution of all 4 coins of the lower denomination, 1/2/5/10p at a weight of 20.43g per ‘set’, coming out at 695 ‘sets’ with a value of 18p per set, 12511p total or £125.11.

    *Just fucking wait for it to be like £12 now and I’ll look like a right bellend*

  3. £41.42, plus an old pre-decimal shilling that somehow found its way in there.

  4. I think there’s about £6 because there’s a smaller, empty, tin of panettone inside the tin.

  5. About halfway update: 1.1kg of 5p, 2.5kg 2p, 3.4kg 1p, £22.40 in 20p.

    This will be the last update with any clues..

  6. i just love that some guy named Tony made a weird bread one day but since everyone liked it, they decided to make it that way henceforth, and simply named it “Panettone”

  7. My mum had a simmilar ammount, we took it to the coin machine and it came out to something like £657 if i remember correctly. I had the panetone box placed inside 2 shopping bags and it exploded when i placed it down so that was fun.

  8. The range and the most likely or average value of the coins in the tin, excluding any coin over £0.10 in value. This leaves us with the 1p, 2p, and 5p coins.

    1. **Weight of the Tin:**
       – Assumed weight of the tin = 0.3 kg (300 grams)
       – Total weight = 14.3 kg
       – Weight of the coins = 14.3 kg – 0.3 kg = 14 kg (14,000 grams)

    2. **Weights and Values of UK Coins (excluding coins over £0.10):**
        – **1p coin:** Weighs 3.56 g, value 0.01 GBP
        – **2p coin:** Weighs 7.12 g, value 0.02 GBP
        – **5p coin:** Weighs 3.25 g, value 0.05 GBP

    3. **Calculate Maximum and Minimum Values:**
        – **Maximum Value:** Achieved with the highest value coins (i.e., 5p coins).
        – **Minimum Value:** Achieved with the lowest value coins (i.e., 1p coins).

        **Maximum Value Calculation:**
        – Number of 5p coins = ( frac{14000 text{ g}}{3.25 text{ g/coin}} approx 4308 text{ coins} )
        – Value = 4308 coins * 0.05 GBP/coin = 215.40 GBP

        **Minimum Value Calculation:**
        – Number of 1p coins = ( frac{14000 text{ g}}{3.56 text{ g/coin}} approx 3933 text{ coins} )
        – Value = 3933 coins * 0.01 GBP/coin = 39.33 GBP

    4. **Most Likely or Average Value:** Assuming a random mix of coins, we will calculate the average value based on the remaining denominations.

        **Average Coin Weight and Value (excluding coins over £0.10):**
        – Average weight per coin (approximation) = ( frac{3.56 + 7.12 + 3.25}{3} approx 4.64 text{ g/coin} )
        – Average value per coin (approximation) = ( frac{0.01 + 0.02 + 0.05}{3} approx 0.0267 text{ GBP/coin} )

        – Number of average coins = ( frac{14000 text{ g}}{4.64 text{ g/coin}} approx 3017 text{ coins} )
        – Average value = 3017 coins * 0.0267 GBP/coin ≈ 80.55 GBP

    – **Range of Values:** 39.33 GBP to 215.40 GBP
    – **Most Likely or Average Value:** Approximately 80.55 GBP

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