Putin is ‘losing, and losing heavily’ as troop losses fail to provide breakthrough | Philip Ingram

Putin is ‘losing, and losing heavily’ as troop losses fail to provide breakthrough | Philip Ingram

“Even though they’re advancing, from an operational level, a strategic level, they’re losing and they’re losing heavily.”

Russian troop and equipment losses will increasingly leave Putin’s troops relying of faulty replacement equipment, military intelligence expert Col. Philip Ingram tells Frontline on #timesradio

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  1. I would like to know what this channel views as how Ukraine can win? They are out of soldiers and this war is totally the fault of the US. Russia is not going to give back what they took so forget that.

  2. Russia has a GDP about the same size as the state of Texas, it's inevitable that it will lose if the west can keep it's resolve. That's the big question

  3. It seems impossible that a military can suffer these kinds of losses and still continue to push. The leadership doesn't care, and I guess as long as the russian public doesn't know they can continue.

  4. I get frustrated when the news reports an offensive has stalled because the weather has affected ground conditions. If Ukraine gets jets and himars but there's no push because the ground was soft or the winter began early I think its clear the west will never really fund this proxy war.

  5. The human losses matter nothing to Putin, as he sees his entire population as conscriptable rabble. He'll continue with his relentless internal propaganda and information isolation to keep his people compliant. He'll rely on his buddies in China and North Korea for replacement equipment and munitions.

    Only when the war poses a direct threat to the well-being of him and his cronies will there be a change in their policies.

  6. How many more of these videos when the Russian offensive picks up more and more speed, I'm pro Ukraine to the core but they've lost every major battle since Kherson which indicates their problems are worse than the Russians. These videos claiming Russia is about to collapse or about to lose come across as more and more desperate cope

  7. The AFU is in the process of collapsing, the Russians are advancing all across the front lines. But here comes a propagandist to provide some fantasy casualty figures to keep the mythology going

  8. The only reason Ukraine is holding Russia off is due to funding from west. If that stopped Ukraine would be steam rolled by Russia within weeks.

    So no Putin is not losing by any stretch.

  9. It's easy for British commentators against Russia to say he's losing, when the losses of the Russian Federation outstrip the British standing military. It's akin to an idiot attempting to dictate sports play when all they do is eat bags of cheetoZ.

  10. It's sad that Putin will thrown countless Russian lives to their deaths for his own glory… Russia was doing just fine before it went on its wild adventure to destroy Ukraine… if I were Moldova, Georgia, or any other republic, I would strike while Russia is weak and secure my independence.

  11. Putin is in trouble. The Czar could rely on weeks or months before news of casualties got back to the families. The 50,000ish Soviet casualties (dead and wounded) of the Afghan war were stretched over a decade before the "mothers" insisted on ending it. With mobile phones and social media…when young Ivan doesn't call home for a month people get worried. In Ukraine the casualties have been in a shorter time frame and far more massive. It's going to get messy in Mother Russia.

  12. same old propaganda always guests with the same narrative, call yourself journalists why don't you have people who actually fought in tank battles in the 1st Iraq war as they have a different view on the conflict

  13. Trump and vance are very hostile towards Ukraine. They will throw Ukraine under the bus and give everything poopin wants, including lifting of sanctions. Trump is a liar. Do not believe him, do not trust him.

  14. The Ukrainians need to prioritise F-16’s destroy Russian heavy bombers that are launching missiles- destroying Ukrainian civilian infrastructure; and fighter bombers that dropping the terrible glide bombs – degrading Ukrainian entrenched defences

  15. Glad to hear the the Ukrainians are building their own drones now. The West is not really standing up in the way they did in '39. Ukraine isn't standing alone but they might as well be.

  16. If Kamala Harris gets in the Republicans will NOT concede. They are openly saying this. They intend to flood the courts with bogus election fraud cases and they have corrupt judges ready who will rule in their favour. The worst case is there will be widespread violence or even civil war. I hope I’m wrong and it will go smoothly but I don’t see it.

  17. If you think the Russians are losing 1,000 troops a day, I've got a bridge to sell you.
    Where is the footage of the carnage, 10's of 1,000's per Times Radio, all over the battlefield. That's what we thought.

  18. Simply laughable this article.
    Russia is losing men machinery on a large scale then why is Ukraine still in defence mode not pushing them back.
    Ukraine is devastated ruined no electricity no water supply ruined.
    USA trying level best to prevent Ukraine from collapsing before USA elections in November.

  19. James: this is totally off-topic, but I am a married guy who dyes his wife’s hair and pays a little bit of attention to hairstyling. You need a little bit of help! πŸ™‚ you’ve got a good channel here, buddy

  20. Blah, blah, "really quite complex"… sorry, we will achieve nothing until we send our ground forces there, covering them with the nuclear umbrella and all other assets we we have! This is the only way to stop this war and push the madman Putin back!

  21. Time will tell.
    Should Ukraine lose, just remember channels like Times Radio who have been trumpeting the "Ukraine is winning, Russia is losing" narrative.

  22. Ukraine is winning their counteroffensive is not too far off from Crimea. Send more weapons and money quick or they will fail…

    In Russian news they are showing precision strikes and surrendered troops.

    Its a slow burn but we all know whos winning tiktok and whos winning the war.

  23. On the youtube site " Inside Russia" Konstantin points out that Russia is heavily engaged in conivances all over the world , I know of at least one in Australia and another in South Africa , and the latter is of course BRICS member .

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