Wahlen in Venezuela: Verteidigungsminister sagt, das Militär werde den Putsch vereiteln – BBC News

Wahlen in Venezuela: Verteidigungsminister sagt, das Militär werde den Putsch vereiteln – BBC News


  1. The Venezuelan defence minister has described anti-government protests which erupted after the disputed election result was announced as “a coup”.
    People took to the streets across cities and towns in Venezuela on Monday in protest after the government-dominated electoral authority had declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the election.

    Two leading NGOs in Venezuela have said that there have been several deaths and dozens of people injured.

    As people gathered for fresh protest rallies, Gen Vladimir Padrino read out a statement saying that President Nicolás Maduro had the “absolute loyalty and unconditional support” of the armed forces, which would “defeat the coup”.

    Venezuela’s attorney general, who is a close ally of Mr Maduro, said a member of the military had been killed in the anti-government protests.

    Attorney General Tarek William Saab added that 749 people had been arrested.

    He told journalists that most would be charged with “resisting authority and, in the most serious cases, terrorism”

  2. This will turn very ugly very soon.

    By this point the nearby South American countries need to come together and intervene, we cannot allow a dictatorship to conduct senseless killing and mass incarceration of civilians in our backyard.

  3. This is starting to look more and more like it’s drifting towards a civil war

  4. The Venezuelan government has alternative facts. This is the kind of control Trump hopes to put it power in the US with Project 2025, which is why he says voting will no longer matter after this election. Once the Boards of Elections across the country are run by Trump sycophants, he will win every election.

  5. > The opposition coalition backing Mr González said they had been able to review 73.2% of the voting tallies and maintained that they confirmed that Mr González was the winner by a wide margin.

    Interesting that the Maduro regime even allowed external groups to anywhere near the votes, or even that they were truly counted in the first plac**e.**

    I’ve never been a dictator before, and I don’t know any personally, but from the outside it seems like Dictator 101; never let non-party officials count votes.

  6. Isn’t it wild that Maduro always scream that everyone who disagrees with them is far right counter-revolutionary but his country is governed like a far right dictatorship, for gods sake, he doesn’t even have legalised gay marriage despite fully controlling the state and that’s much easier to enact compared to the profound socialist reforms a country would need.

    I just hope the Venezuelans sort that shit out and we don’t have another refugee crisis.

  7. Where’s the CIA when you need them??

    Edit: With help from the Royal Crown (Iran, 1953)

  8. Maduro is the one who is doing the coup. Maduro is an evil dictator, who is holding the people hostage. We need democracy in Venezuela and their people – viva la revolucion, viva la democracia de la Venezuela!

  9. Literally everyone in South America condemned this lol.

    This fucktard is insane

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