Decoy F-16 being built at some secret facility in Ukraine, if videos of F-16s being hit appear in the coming weeks, there’s a good chance they’re just decoys

Decoy F-16 being built at some secret facility in Ukraine, if videos of F-16s being hit appear in the coming weeks, there’s a good chance they’re just decoys

by Hotrico

  1. They need that firm that makes blow-up decoys to assist. Give Putin so many targets to get confused over.

  2. Look at the harsh shadow on, what looks like, a table or frame behind the bloke in black. Why is there a harsh shadow of the table or frame, but none from the man next to it? There is a light to his left, on the ceiling, that surely should have cast a shadow of him.

    Me thinks this is fake.

    Besides all that, why would Ukraine advertise to Russia that it has decoys of a new toy? Surely Ukr would want Russia waste missiles without prior knowledge of what it could be targetting. It makes no strategic sense to give intel from a secret facility.

  3. Proactive thinking…thanks for sharing. You always seem to share interesting content I don’t see anywhere else. Much appreciated man. 👊

  4. Except the F-16s will likely be kept far behind the lines where they’re mostly safe and can only be attacked while in the air. So, unless the decoys can fly…?

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