Southend MP warns of “ongoing incident” in city centre

Southend MP warns of “ongoing incident” in city centre

by FinalInitiative4

  1. There’s some videos floating around of some of the chaos and people swordfighting with machetes/knives in the street nearby what looks like Adventure Island.

  2. I honestly feel that we are witnessing a general breakdown of law and order. I commented “I predict a riot” yesterday because I suspected something like this would happen.

    It seems like we’ve got the worst of both worlds in this country. On the one hand, we give out absolutely pathetic sentences for extremely violent crimes. Jay Slater got no jail time after helping to expose a guy’s skull with a machete. A well known Eastenders actor has gotten away with slashing open a woman’s stomach. The judge acknowledged that there was nowhere to put him. We are currently releasing criminals early, some of whom will have committed violent or at least highly aggressive crimes.

    On the other, we seem to have a total lack of rehabilitation. Many states have low sentences for violent crime and low recidivism rates, but these places also have high quality services aimed at integrating people into society. We have terrible mental health support and effectively abandon people after they enter the justice system.

    I mean seriously, what does it take to get nicked in this country? We’ve practically legalised mobile phone theft, robbery, burglary. Now it seems that assault and even attempted murder are becoming non-jailable offences.

    The suggestion people are carrying machetes and knives (not confirmed) and that people elsewhere are fighting with machetes in the street (confirmed) further suggests this. 90% of those currently attacking the police will be let off and will potentially do it again.

    It needs to be fucking sorted.

  3. Please don’t speculate on the identities of the individuals running around with machetes on twitter

  4. I live in Southend

    It’s Feral youths that come down from London for the day and bring their gang bullshit with them. They used to be stopped at the station and turned back

  5. This country feels like it’s on the verge of a collective mental breakdown.

  6. This government really has no clue what they’ve got themselves involved in this time round. 

  7. It’s honestly really depressing that we are descending into violence and idk what can really be done. It makes me worried for my children’s sake. If it isn’t our own streets, its war abroad threatening to overspill.

    Those in power really have their work cut out to bring it all in check.

  8. Train full of football hoolies on their way to Southend for some pavement bouncing and the old bill are all over them long before they arrive.

  9. Imagine when you told people that the prisons were full and nobody would be going to prison that there was gonna be any sort of anarchy??

  10. Did somebody deliberately layer pirates of the caribean over the clip that is being circulated or was it coming from one of the arcades behind the cammer?

    I know the area pretty well. Yes it has crime like anywhere else, but rarely anything largescale. Last time people attempted to pile in from the trains police caught wind of it and actually managed to stop anything kicking off

    Used to be the usual suspects would be intercepted before even getting in the area as they by large aren’t local to the place but either they weren’t stopped at the station or went a different route

    They don’t tend to muck about when it comes to the seafront due to tourism.. only bit the council cares about so to not have to put up with the adventurer island owner spitting his dummy out

  11. i think people who are saying this is a total breakdown of “law and order” are exaggerating a bit. its a few very unfortunate and disgusting events strung together, but the police have managed to control whats going on.

    the only concern is the prison system and where these awful people will go, but i dont think we should be worried about the national community collapsing because of violence, at least i dont think its that frightening

  12. I think we need a US National Guard type armed force preemptively placed in urban centers for the next few weeks or so. That’s the only short term solution I can think of right now.

  13. “Yikes, hope everyone stays safe out there. Any more details on the incident?”

  14. Honestly, going to prison is zero deterrent. Capital punishment and fear of real, long lasting consequences is the only way to deal with this.

    And I’m 100% down for reallocating fund towards prevention etc but that will take at least a decade to filter through. There is no immediate path to sorting this shit out that doesn’t involve drastic measures.

  15. This explains why an NPAS helicopter was doing orbits over town for a couple of hours. Air ambulance was also landed on north edge of Southend, but that might be a coincidence.

  16. People don’t feel safe in the UK anymore, the real situation is another story but the perception is the control is just lost: People don’t report crime in London because Met Police is not a proper policing institution, jails are full so criminals are let on the street, border control is long gone. This is a systemic crisis and needs radical reform in the statecraft, which won’t happen in the next five years.

    This is how populism, far-right, anti-establishment or whatever you call politics is winning all across the western world. A government just cannot check out from its basic rule as the security provider.

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