Judge in E. Jean Carroll Case: Yes, Donald Trump Is a Rapist

Judge in E. Jean Carroll Case: Yes, Donald Trump Is a Rapist


Posted by doc-researcher

  1. “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that [rape, as ‘commonly’ understood].”

    **“A United States District Judge has now formally held, in a lengthy written opinion, that it is perfectly appropriate, and, indeed, entirely accurate, to call a certain former President of the United States a rapist,”** [noted](https://twitter.com/gtconway3d/status/1681669761409638400) George Conway, lawyer and husband to former Trump aide Kellyanne Conway.

    All that to say, based on the legal language, a rapist—for the third presidential cycle in a row—is leading the 2024 Republican primary.

  2. You know who has never been accused of rape? Presumed Democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

  3. Hey Christians. I got an honest question for you ⁉️ John Doe #174 Is all over the Epstein list. We know for a fact that he hung out with a convicted child molester / sex trafficker, multiple times. Not including the hundreds of times he walked in on teenage girls when he was in charge of the teenage pageant. 🤔🤫. Or the party on the boat. 🤫

    Do you like other pedophiles? I’m not including the pastors and the priests and the millions that have been convicted over the years from Christian churches. NO NOT THEM.. ✝️



  4. Also, just to be clear water is also wet. Anybody who doubted one might doubt the other.

  5. Fucking rapist pig.
    He is legally a rapist, and he can’t sue or claim defamation for calling him that.
    Kamala better bring it up live for the whole world to see at the next debate.

    Article is a year old btw.
    Still his followers defend him even with a judge proving it.

  6. Here come the rape apologists to defend Shitler with pathetic semantics…..

    Trump is a rapist. 

  7. “So the liberal horde led by sleepy Joe and Crazy Kamala and all these very very dangerous people are calling me a rapist. So I raped someone who’s not my type. And they’ve got some liberal judge with blood coming out of, who knows where calling me a rapist. And a judge from some shithole country saying [unintelligible words]. I took a bullet for democracy and they still call me a rapist. And my vey very beautiful voluptuous daughter ivanka and my wife Mercedes they have to hear all this rape. It’s a fix. The crooked liberal courts and Zelinsky and the windmills causing cancer and Joe wants to put a windmill on a solar powered jet fighter and I says what happens when there no batteries to run it all and the batteries run out? These people are not stable geniuses and they’re ruining our country and sharks.”

    Trump tomorrow.

  8. You think so! We all knew this! The case and the verdict finally proved it! & finally some one was able to stand up to a spoiled fat old man!

  9. Trumpers know trump is a rapist and probably a pedophile. They’ll deny and side step but they know. Trump makes their bigotry feel like patriotism and they love him for it.

  10. Could Trump quite possibly be the worst presidential candidate ever, in world history?

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