This is why we leave protesting to the Frogs…

This is why we leave protesting to the Frogs…

by methylmorphia

  1. What a twat, most impressive to earn a concussion and a brick castration all in time for getting arrested tomorrow.

  2. Oooh, I’ve been hit! Fuckin ell boys!

    It’s like a Harry Enfield sketch, the comedy timing is perfection. The icing on the cake being that this cunt absolutely deserves a good old brick to the balls.

  3. He actually takes three hits. One rock rebounds on a shield and hits him in the chest at the same time he gets hit on the head.

  4. If you keep watching he slowly walks to the nearest balcony to appeal for calm… with hilarious consequences.

  5. The cops should just give it a few minutes to let the crowd dwindle a bit more. They might not even have to do anything.

  6. This is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen, but why is it the police can baton charge striking miners and poll tax demonstrators but not vermin like these? Come on, fucking get in there.

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