$2.6 trillion erased

$2.6 trillion erased


by Mrbumboleh

  1. Erased from people’s 401Ks and pensions and IRAs, but executives and fund managers have faired very, very, very well. The working class, not so much. In 3.5 years we lost over 40% of purchasing power on our current wages, but also critical lifetimes of savings. Now, we get to watch our balances plummet, while market averages cleverly hide the wipe down and executives cash out with our dollars.

  2. But the Olympics and U.S. elections will keep this off radar. It’s a shame that the mainstream media is controlled by the people that use us like this.

  3. It (values/money) didn’t disappear… shareholders sold shares. When a shareholder sells shares they remove their money from the stock and the share price responds accordingly.
    [So shareholders converted their shares to cash. ]

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