Biden-Regierung stellt Rechtmäßigkeit des Wahlergebnisses in Venezuela infrage

Biden-Regierung stellt Rechtmäßigkeit des Wahlergebnisses in Venezuela infrage

  1. I’m waiting for the right wingers in the US to come on here and compare this election to Trump’s landslide loss in 2020 which was completely legitimate, unless you ask him.

  2. And they are correct. That’s why Maduro wants to do any dictatorial move just like Putin to stay in power.

  3. When both the democrats AND the republicans agree that Maduro rigged the elections, you know it’s true.

    La democracia para Venezuela!

  4. We need to wake up America, Venezuela could happen right here before our eyes

  5. Do they have oil or any natural resources the US can steal? If yes, help is on the way. If not, thoughts and prayers 

  6. Remember you can vote your way into socialism but can’t vote you way out of it

  7. It’s well known that the election results were illigitimate.

    Maduro is a power hungry dictator who never would be willing give up power.

    Sady the citizens of Venezuela will continue to suffer in poverty and chaos and Maduro just does not care.

    Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chavez have destroyed Venezuela.

  8. It’s a bit of a rough spot for the Biden administration because even if they’d like to support the opposition it may hinder their cause due to latent (and justified btw) anti-americanism lingering from US cold war foreign policy.

    This is going to be something Latin Americans must settle for themselves, I’m afraid.

  9. Biden really has done a fantastic Job these past few years. It is a shame he had to drop out but I will fully support Kamala Harris in November.

  10. Biden is pulling a Trump, never mind the over a thousand independent observers reporting the election went within the set rules.

  11. The US or the UN needs to send money, arms, air support, drones, and naval support, to help the Venezuelan opposition finally capture all the narco-chavistas, like Maduro and Cabello.

    I’m Venezuelan and many people in my country would totally support that. The PSUV mafia commission needs to get captured and tried for their crimes against humanity in Venezuela.

    Shit, I bet all the chavista FANB generals, would cut their loyalty to the PSUV/Maduro and switch sides, as soon as they see the US Navy and the US Air Force aiding a well-armed and well-funded Venezuelan opposition fight Pro-PSUV Venezuelan military and police forces.

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