Ukrainian forces hit Russian oil depot in Kursk region – General Staff

Ukrainian forces hit Russian oil depot in Kursk region – General Staff

by Espressodimare

  1. BTW: The price for 95 octane gasoline in Russia has has gone up by 6% since begin of this year.
    Did I say 6%?
    No, it’s 8%.
    Wait …
    Fontanka ru regional news for St. Petersburg, July 21:
    “… Since the beginning of the year, the price of AI-95 on the Russian stock exchange has increased by 68% …”
    Wholesale gasoline prices are breaking records: what awaits consumers?
    Оптовые цены на бензин бьют рекорды: что ждет потребителей?

    Now the Russian federal antimonopoly service has to investigate why the prices are so high.
    The don’t blame Ukraine.
    Else they would have to admit that the attacks on refineries and oil depots have an effect.
    There is one person in Russia who says he is the warrantor of stability in Russia.
    And if there are problems with price stability …
    Occasionally I have read a comment like:
    “But we didn’t have something like this before February 24?” on fontanka.

    For the case someone from the press wants to follow this positive
    (more is plus, is positive, isn’t it?) development of gas prices in Russia,
    google news should find stories with:

  2. Every time this is done it’s another nail in putins coffin. Slava Ukraini!

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