Simone made that a targeted caption

Love that for her

Posted by Double-Ad-9306

  1. For those unaware
    >Olympic medal-winning gymnast MyKayla Skinner Harmer is drawing criticism for a since-deleted YouTube video […] She said coaches “can’t get on athletes” out of fear of being reported to SafeSport, an independent entity that handles allegations of abuse from various governing bodies across the U.S. Olympic movement.

    >”Besides Simone (Biles), I feel like the talent and the depth just isn’t like what it used to be,” Skinner said. “Just notice like, I mean, obviously a lot of girls don’t work as hard. The girls just don’t have the work ethic.”

  2. The only reason MyKayla has an Olympics medal is because Simone had to withdraw. And she will never have a gold. 💁🏻‍♀️ I wish we would never have to hear from that racist and her racist husband ever again.

  3. Simone a menace on the mats and online, love it. She’s a real one for taking it personal for her teammates.
    MyKayla probably just bitter as hell her days are over and felt the need to put down the other girls to make her feel better. She just ruined her post career and honestly, *shrugs*. There’s are a lot more grateful retired gymnasts everyone should focus on instead. Congrats USA! Congrats girls , you’re rockstars ‼️✨

  4. Would have been more badass to ignore the dumbass rather than dedicate the post to her.

  5. Olympic champions are really as petty as us haha. You’d think they wouldn’t even remember that stuff

  6. As further shade to mykayla, if you took Leanne’s, Tiana’s, and josc’s AA scores from day 2 of trials, it is still .593 higher than Italy’s score today. For comparison, taking day 2 of trials with today’s line up (Simone Jordan AA, Suni FX UB bb jade VT) they would have scored a 169.525. So the US actually scored better internationally haha

    Obvi there’s no way to predict, and a ton of factors at play (nerves, scoring difference, etc) but the US could have literally brought a team of alternates, with a 2 member handicap, and still be able to fight for gold

    “Lack of depth” my ass 💀🖕

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