Massiv explosion of a russian tank using minerollers (no animals were harmed)

Massiv explosion of a russian tank using minerollers (no animals were harmed)

by AlexKrautbro

  1. Bad russian to good russian conversion completed successfully. Next one blyat

  2. I wonder if the turtle shell actually increases the effectiveness of explosives because it essentially makes an armored chamber above the weakly armed area above the tank. Idk if that makes sense lol half awake.

  3. is that the new double tank mine drone package or? fkn thing rly blew lol

  4. Lol. You can be pretty sure thousands of animals got obliterated by that. Do you even biology bro?

  5. Whoa! Double tap by drones, crazy shockwave, absolute record breaking turret toss through a shed roof… 12/10 solid gold classic, Kasey Kasem approved..!

  6. I don’t care how bombed out that field was/is, that bada-boom definitely harmed some animals. Wow…

  7. Hall Of Fame moment. Didn’t stick the landing though. 11/10, a gold medal and bag full of dumplings for those athletes families.

  8. looks like it got hit from the left side by another drone a second before the camdrone hit it

  9. wtf was that thing carrying that it exploded like that? i thought turtle tanks were mostly for troop transport

  10. You can see the crew escape module flying up and to the right so I think they survived.

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