Russian army loses 1,060 more soldiers in Ukraine in past 24 hours

Russian army loses 1,060 more soldiers in Ukraine in past 24 hours

by MantasChan

  1. Losses have been ~1000/day for quite a while now. Surely not sustainable for Russia. Are these just untrained grunts?

    And I’m not seeing so many articles of where these meat waves are taking place anymore.

  2. I think it would be possible to double this number for a more satisfactory result.

  3. Are these numbers confirmed by US/UK sources. From what I seen, the numbers are often different. During the Vietnam War, McNamarra used to publish high body counts and say the war would be over by Christmas. We saw how that went. I have 2 brother in laws and one of my best friends on the front lines, all 40+. For their sake, journalism, not propaganda, would be appreciated.

  4. How is this number always so tight? For at least a month it is always just above 1000 and up to around 1300. How can Russia make such consistent loses every day? Why not some days with 316 and others with 2247? Doesn’t seem that credible.

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