Russland bezeichnet die Ermordung des Hamas-Führers als „inakzeptablen politischen Mord“, berichtet RIA

Russland bezeichnet die Ermordung des Hamas-Führers als „inakzeptablen politischen Mord“, berichtet RIA

  1. >The killing of Hamas’ chief political leader Ismail Haniyeh is “an absolutely unacceptable political murder,” a deputy Russian foreign minister told RIA state news agency on Wednesday. “This is an absolutely unacceptable political murder, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions,” RIA cited Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov as saying.

    >Bogdanov said the killing will also have a negative impact on ceasefire talks in Gaza, RIA added.
    Russia, which has relationships with Arab countries, Iran and Hamas as well as with Israel, has frequently condemned violence in the region and accused the United States of ignoring the need for an independent Palestinian state.

  2. All political murders should appear as accidental defenestration. -Kremlin

  3. If they can do this in the capital of Iran, I guess putler might be worrying about what could happen to him. I think there are more on the inside of Moscow willing to help with assassination than there are in Tehran.

  4. Nice to see Russia took a five-minute break from dick-riding Maduro to weigh in on this situation.

  5. Can anyone remind me what happens to Putins political opponents in Russia?

  6. Assassinations of legitimate military targets like literal terrorist leadership is not only acceptable, but good practice.

  7. Can’t we just hit mute on Russia and their announcements already? It’s like I lose IQ points every time they make a statement.

  8. Who gives a shit what Russia deems a political faux-pas these days? That government has shown it has no morals, no honour, cannot speak the truth and just lives in a parallel dimension.

    I am saddened for the Russian people who just want to live their lives in peace, but their ridiculously stupid government has destroyed all hope for them having a good life for the foreseeable future.

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