Mum of Southport victim in powerful plea to those causing chaos on town’s streets

Mum of Southport victim in powerful plea to those causing chaos on town’s streets

by Remarkable_Craft815

  1. That poor woman. I can’t imagine the amount of distress she is feeling at the moment and then having to plea to stop violence from other people.

    I also feel for the people whose mosque was damaged, and the shop and whoever else’s property was trashed. And the police as well.

    Some people are just mindless violent muppets.

  2. I can’t even begin to imagine this lady’s pain, it must be insurmountable. She should be left to grieve, but instead she has had to come out to plea for calm and condemn the knuckle dragging wankstains who are disrespecting her girls memory, and that of the other victims.

    Shame on those who travelled in for a riot. Hopefully none of them will ever have to feel the true pain of the Southport community and the families now torn apart, because fuck giving them any compassion if that was ever to happen.

  3. I’m mostly shocked that people who think that getting drunk, wearing masks and destroying the residential area where children live that was the scene of a terrifying crime *against children* have the mental capacity read the misinformation they’re gobbling up.

  4. Whenever there’s a possible skin pigmentation element to crime, these dribbling morons appear and act as expected. Not one of them gives a single squirt of piss about the victims or their families. I’m glad this lady has spoken out, but it won’t make any difference to the racist shit demons.

  5. Sadly the people rioting don’t give a shit about the victims. It’s an excuse for them to do what they are doing

  6. The mental gymnastics of these clowns truly is astonishing.

    They use the stabbings as justification to attack a mosque, blaming “immigrants” (doesn’t matter if they are Muslim or not), despite the fact the stabber was born and raised in Cardiff. They then use it as an opportunity to stoke anti-immigration viewpoints and, how do they do that? By throwing bricks at the police and torching a police van.

    The huge irony is that these thugs are the ones complaining that immigrants are the ones creating a lawless society.

  7. When I look at footage of these far right Bierkeller Putsch style rioters, I have the same sense that I had with the anti-ULEZ/anti-Sadiq Khan protesters during the Mayoral election: Who are these people? Where do they come from? What is their ‘England’? It is completely different from the one I know.

    This is worrying because it shows the extent of the divisions within our country. I do not live in a complete liberal bubble as I work with people from a wide-range of backgrounds, but these protesters with their sinister and violent delusions seem to represent something new, unfamiliar and (as my historical allusion above suggests) un-British.

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