Big Losses, Big Claims & The Bigger Picture – Things Are NOT Lining Up – Ukraine Map/News Update

Big Losses, Big Claims & The Bigger Picture – Things Are NOT Lining Up – Ukraine Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The U.S. is intensely hypocritical. No one needs Russians to tell them that. There's no greater hypocrisy in the world than U.S. values e.g. liberal democracy

  2. You are there making videos on an island. but yeah, I agree. many folks are having their own thoughts drowned out by media and social media. my very first thought was, this is what the sanctioned hate speech gets ya.

  3. US and west always says Russia makes propaganda to influence elections but they never show good examples, the only examples I've seen was religious memes shared on Facebook making Trump seem christian. It's like, bruh if that changes the vote any measurable amount-you've got other problems

    inversely, I am called a Russian agent by everyone in NAFO. I live on east coast, the closest thing to a Russian I know is a Ukrainian who moved in infancy

  4. How do i do this, well your book operates in a vacuum, your dealing with fixed sources rather then fluid sources.

    I was talking in your telegram, and by the next video you were touching on topics i had mentioned. So we are talking about a fluid narrative that adjusts as information comes to light. As you can see i am aware of how my influence has affect, i am the cause, there is an effect.

    So when you dismiss these narrative as someone just repeating, just following, just promoting, you dismiss that fact that a person can cause a reaction.
    That a person can be conducting an experiment, inwhich they are gathering data, where they can reinforce their own position.

    This type of information is difficult to portray, i could say i have 5 carriers under my command. But every source would say otherwise, until i then give a command and that command is obeyed. Even then you would dismiss it as you cling to your books, your papers.

    That been said, no one gets command of say nuclear weapons, if the first thing they do is launch those weapons. Thousands of people have had control over nuclear weapons, if not 10s or 100s of thousands and not a single weapon has been launched. It doesn't mean they didn't have the capability.

    Be weary of people who lash out at the truth or just in general lash out. Truth or lie, its a matter of extremist action and with likes, shares and comment we are pushing for extremist action. Bit like rushing to the market because your computer blue screened and throwing thousands at hardware thats about to be replaced with a new generation.

    Its doesn't matter the perspective, what matters is how people act, action speak louder then words.
    What we see here is an attempt to cover up truth, using the justification of a label, while taking extreme action of reaching out to here, there and everywhere.

    An attempt to justify their position, by exercising their power.
    Cause and effect and in the last 24 hours i have revealed many secrets. 🙂 GG noobs.

  5. "Both Russia and China are well aware that it does not matter who gets to sit in the White House".

    "The US is a corporate oligarchy. Its foreign policy is dictated mostly by the military industrial complex". "Even if Trump wins the elections (and he probably will), the war in Ukraine will not end, nor will it change what so ever". "After all, politicians like to promise all sorts of nonsense during elections campaigns and forget about their promises in the morning after the campaign ends".

    "In the end, Trump and Harris will both do what their corporate backers that sponsored their election campaigns want them to do".

  6. victoria-nland literally bragged how-us-spent five-billion on-coup in Ukraine.
    And dude says with a strait face how-us never interfered with-elections..

  7. The attempted assassination has the same players and pattern as the Kennedy one, secret service fell back and left a vulnerable area. They use a stooge to take the blame and label them as a loner which he was not. People have run phone traces on who he interacted with, one of these pings all the way back to a DC FBI location. Very telling how no one can get a story straight from FBI and secret service, all knowingly incompetent.

  8. No us president had power we all se that biden was senile and he dont make any decision trump cant change nothing the us MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IS LEADER OF US FOREIGN POLICY THEY DONT WANNA THAT WAR STOP TRUMP IS ALSO JUST PUPPET HE CAN CHANGE SMALL THINGS BUT NOTHING IN FOREIGN POLICY

  9. Ima be real with you, america failing to keep a presidential candidate safe AND growing increasingly more divided politically is absolutely a Russian win, they don't even have to lie about it or exaggerate it, all you have to do is put a spotlight on it. If the political elements of our country are feeling embarrassed or inadequate because of recent events that's because they deserve to feel that way. Our country has completely lost the plot, and the whole world knows, especially our enemies.

  10. From Mizzion Z:
    🇺🇸 In other US military news – the US can't afford to have a war with China, or Russia, or both of them together

    The 114-page report, published on Monday by a bipartisan commission appointed by Congress, warns that it's impossible.

    Ammunition stockpiles are particularly lacking, said the eight-person commission, which included a retired Army general, a former Democratic-party congresswoman, and a former US ambassador.

    They cited a 2022 report from two Center for National American Security analysts that said the US doesn't have enough arms to "blunt and defeat an initial invasion" from powers like China.

    The report states that this shortage has endured even after the US recently intensified arms production to supply Ukraine.

    "As a result, unclassified public wargames suggest that, in a conflict with China, the United States would largely exhaust its munitions inventories in as few as three to four weeks," their report said.

    Some important munitions, such as anti-ship missiles, could last only a few days, the commission warned.

    The commissioners said stockpiles among US allies are also a concern. As an example, they cited a 2022 report from the Royal United Services Institute about the war in Ukraine.

    That report said: "At the height of the fighting in Donbas, Russia was using more ammunition in two days than the entire British military has in stock."

    We want a public apology from all the annoying people in the chat who claimed for the past 2 years that the US will outproduce Russia, like, yesterday

  11. Rumour out that Gavin Newsome is the favoured Democrat, as presidential candidate at the moment, and has a big fund raising going. She has 20% support.

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