BBC News – ‘Cult’ members found guilty of trying to kidnap Essex coroner – BBC News

BBC News – ‘Cult’ members found guilty of trying to kidnap Essex coroner – BBC News

by Jackisback123

  1. > The defendants were part of an online subscription-based movement called the Federal Postal Court, which had self-conferred legal powers, the trial heard.

    A what now?

  2. Yet more proof that people need to pass some sort of certification/license to be allowed to use the internet.

  3. Things have never been right since 2020, the world just keeps getting weirder and the culprit, the silent enemy fanning the flames, silently, secretly is so called “social media”.

  4. I have been following this story a bit. I am hoping some sort of more in depth piece or article comes out about them because it sounds fucking bonkers.

  5. This lot need locking up under mental health legislation, not just criminal law.

    They are genuinely insane and a danger to themselves and others.

  6. I know cult members don’t actually all look like weird stereotypical cult members, but it’s still somehow surprising when they look so normal

  7. >Representing himself during the trial, Sean Harper

    >Christopher declined to give evidence

    Of course. That’ll help.

  8. Lmao that that folder which was given to a journalist from these people.

    “Hue hu meaning shade, human -> a different shade of man”


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