AfD: We’re not a NAZI Party also thr AfD:

AfD: We’re not a NAZI Party also thr AfD:


  1. I can’t help but wander, is it intentional that all kids have blonde hair?

    EDIT: Sheesh, a lot of accounts also somehow mix skin color and “mixed couples” to my comment, which only stated about hair color. Because, you know, certain nazis were sure fond of blond hair. So I’m answering, I have no issue of them being all white, at all, as well as I would had exactly 0 issues of them being “mixed” or fully consisted of people of color. Guess why? Cause I don’t care about skin color, I case about the person. And there can be extremely loveable and great people as well as worst scum of the earth under every skin.

    But in this particular case all blond hair kids family is sure seems “interesting”. Because AFD is known to be nazi sympathisers, thus this detail sticks out. I’m sure there are majority of white germans with regular dark or at least a bit darker hair colour. So don’t try to flip this on me by simply pretending that context does not exist, because, guess what – it does.

  2. Has it become the argument of all far-right parties that they “protect” our children? From what I know, they are doing the best to not do that 😛

  3. AFD is using so much Nazi symbolism and rhetoric. It is kinda insane. You would think a right wing populist movement in Germany of all places would be extra careful to avoid it. But no. Still they receive around 20% support in polls. Crazy, scary stuff.

  4. I’ve never thought that a criticism about nazis would get that much upvote in r/europe. Hahahaha

  5. Is that even legal in germany? They are not even trying to hide it at this point…

  6. Let’s not forget this is what russia is funding while claiming to “denazify” Ukraine

  7. It’s like that jesus meme “let me in so I can protect you!” “from what?!” “from what I’m going to do to you if you don’t let me in”.

  8. Like I know they purposely bend their elbows not ho have fully extended arms, but the thinking process behind that had to be absolutely hilarious.

  9. Even though I can see how a graphic designer conceptualized this picture as “parents make the childrens roof”, which is a great message…

    Knowing they’re history and the shit they say this is a very inappropriate visual. They know this

  10. Imagine being the models in this and going – “uh… is this… is this OK? It’s just it kinda looks like… no I do want to be paid… yes I understand but this kind of looks like we’re doing a Na- oh 500 euros extra? OK sure which hand”

  11. My god, I would give you Rorschach test with AfD logo inside and you would find “nazi” there.

    Find me a better way to make a “roof” gesture to “protect” german-looking children, because I can easly make it look way worse.

  12. Protect the family while using 3 kids that do not know what they are doing for nazi propaganda

  13. Smells like a nazi, looks like a nazi, speaks like a nazi, but is not a nazi. Reminds me of DJT.

  14. If anyone has any doubt if this is all intentional, you should know that this guy has a white car with a sticker on it that says “I’m white and that’s good”.

    The guy is a right piece of shit. 

  15. Could’ve made them hold hands and it’d still look like a house roof, this is def extra effort

  16. Its always funny to see wwii Documentaries and see how rare Blond German soldiers are.

  17. It’s not a Hitler salute if you have a female vis-à-vis to you doing the same thing.

  18. The photo model’s face is literally “…. and you’re SURE this isn’t going to make me look like a nazi, right?”

  19. It seems that according to AfD even ethnic Germans with brown or black hair are not real ones, Lebensborn

  20. Germany when small parties are being Nazis “they’re too small to have any impact it’s fine”
    When big parties are being Nazis “we can’t take em down, they’re big party”

  21. The photo is even a bit overexposed to make the kids look extra white 😂😂😂🤢🤮

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