Why is Norway that low?

Why is Norway that low?

by Swatieson

  1. ![gif](giphy|0KXekb55GlLIOdhXC8)

    *He says he understands why Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for seven consecutive years.*

    *”In Sweden, people are born into a kind of promise that they will get a wonderful life. Finns, on the other hand, assume that everything is going to hell, and if it’s not, we’re like ’oh, how nice!’”*

    -Mark Levengood

  2. Well our currancy went to shit after covid. What used to be 7-8NOK to 1EUR is now 12NOK to 1EUR. So all imports have gone up massivly, food is up 30-40%, energy is up dobble and more, vecation is now stupid expencive and so on and so on..

  3. They have to be around norwegians, which are some of the worst people in Europe

  4. Our current finance minister is a farmer. Say no more.

    And all the depressed Finns managed to off themselves?

  5. They’re sad cause there are no more churches to renovate


  6. this seems like bs. i don’t have a source but people eat antidepressants all day in the nordicks.

  7. Have the suicide rates in nordic countries decreased? I remember a few years back they were through the roof.

  8. Despite having Håland, Ødegård and Ryerson we still can’t qualify for a tournament and it is starting to take a toll. #SolbakkenUt

  9. The question should not be why Norway is so low, it should be why the fuck is Sweden so high?

  10. Countries where unhappy people kill themselves, shouldn’t be allowed to participate in this survey.

    It distorts the survey values.

  11. On European scale, Norwegian salaries has decreased 10% the last 12 years towards the Euro.
    Combine that with general increase in prices, everything is more expensive than rest of Europe.

    Oh, and the government does shit all nothing but blame each other.

  12. We never seen to get satisfied at all. We have it good. But it seems we are too jealous of everybody else.

  13. Finland is the happiest country on earth? What salmiakki infused nonsense is this?

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