What a place

My recent trip to London was amazing

by MadsRileyArt

  1. As a born and bred Londoner, seeing people enjoy their visits makes me very happy ☺️

  2. As a Londoner myself, I’m glad you enjoyed your time in london. 🍾

  3. I love peacock so much. I wanted to see pigeon photo, and then I saw squirrel I thought well this will do, and there there was a peacock ❤️

  4. Oh OP you’ve ruined EVERYTHING I thought I knew. I only usually like the nostalgia pics, but yours are gorgeous! Glad you had a good time.

  5. As a 70 yr old retiree who used to work in that financial sector, this brings back some good memories.
    At the time it was a long commute, long hours and very hard work and I used to curse it quite often but looking back it was 9 years of actually feeling like I was valued.

  6. Holland Park is great, love the Japanese garden in there although it’s not photographed here.. cafe & ice cream is great, the peacocks are adjacent to the Japanese garden, and the restaurant is very ooh-la-la for the visiting fam/significant other. All inside a 100m radius.

  7. Guessing that the photo by Monument Station was taken on the weekend. Otherwise you’d be getting swamped with commuters and tourists. I think that’s the fewest people I’ve ever seen by that junction.

  8. I’ve just spent a week being tour guide for an out of town Candian friend and she took a lot of similar pictures, so I know I did it right. We took a walk along the Regents canal from Camden towards the zoo and found a random Monkey enclosure which I’d never seen before.

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