Ungarn blockiert den Versuch der EU, eine einheitliche Erklärung zu den Wahlen in Venezuela abzugeben

Ungarn blockiert den Versuch der EU, eine einheitliche Erklärung zu den Wahlen in Venezuela abzugeben


  1. This is not surprising. Hungary is basically a Chinese-Russian puppet state that happens to be in both the EU and NATO.

    We need to kick Hungary out of both.

  2. It is time to kick Hungary out of the EU (sorry to the hungarians, I do feel for you)

  3. Hungary and turkey out of NATO, Hungary out of EU and build up electric fence and put military on borders

  4. Getting real sick of your shit Hungary but because this is EU/NATO Im not gonna do anything about it.

  5. right, so EU really has to streamline changes to the voting system, because it is EMBARASSINGLY OBVIOUS that hungary has been compromised and is basically a foreign payed Naysayer.

  6. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.politico.eu/article/hungary-block-eu-statement-venezuela-election-results-foreign-policy-josep-borrell/) reduced by 55%. (I’m a bot)
    > The EU failed to put on a united front on Venezuela's contested election after Hungary vetoed a statement that expressed concern about alleged "Flaws and irregularities" in the voting and called for greater transparency.

    > EU countries wanted to adopt a joint statement raising concerns about the result on Monday but were prevented by Budapest's stance, two officials familiar with the discussions told POLITICO. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell subsequently published the statement – which says "Credible reports from domestic and international observers indicate that the elections were marred by numerous flaws and irregularities" – in his own name.

    > Hungary's veto underlines a fundamental flaw in EU foreign policy whereby decisions – including potential future sanctions on Venezuela – must be unanimously agreed among the bloc's 27 member countries.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1egiipo/hungary_blocks_eu_bid_for_unified_statement_on/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~691507 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **countries**^#1 **statement**^#2 **election**^#3 **result**^#4 **Hungary**^#5

  7. To all those saying ‘Kick Hungary out’; please do explain how you think this should be done, as neither institution has (according to the experts) a mechanism to achieve this.

  8. Can all the countries besides Hungary just release matching statements at the same time? I don’t feel like the statement loses weight without the EU logo on it

  9. Same procedure like last year Mrs Sophie?

    Here’s how it usually goes:
    Orban blocks decision
    EU gives Orban money
    Orban approves said decision

  10. We’re paying Orban millions so that he may screw with everything we do.

    Why? Just kick Hungary out, no more sweet European money for you. See how they handle it.

  11. Lets kick hungary out.
    Just make a rule where citizens of EU can vote out a given country.
    Then said country can reapply once their leaders has left their position.

  12. Our democracies can’t afford to be soft with these sociopath leaders whose obsession for grandeur and the submission of others through sufferings and humiliations are the only agendas.

    My proposal for a new EU rule:

    A set of indicators should be established regarding the freedom of the press and freedom of expression in general by which each member country would have to abide. An independent body of international survey organisations and inspectors would monitor the respect of these rules in each member country. The infringement of these rules should automatically trigger penalties against the country according to a progressive scale eventually leading to the exclusion of the country from the EU. “Automatically” would indeed mean that sanctions would not be submitted to debate but to immediate and mandatory implementation following a report.

  13. Every day, I look ar Orban, I see Ralph Cifaretto, and I think, “What would Tony do?”

  14. EU needs to understand that we can not survive if we don’t remove bad actors.

    We need to kick out Hungary, no matter the cost for us.

    We don’t live in a peaceful Europe anymore unfortunately.

  15. How is it that companies can force us to agree to new terms all the time and the EU cannot do the same with their members?

  16. Seriously just kick them out, I know it is a difficult process but it needs to be done. Hungary is simply a Russian proxy.

  17. Kick Hungary out.

    Like the Poles said, Hungary constantly disparages the EU, NATO and coddles every dictator in the world, but are quite happy enough to take EU money that finances all those state initiatives that the alt right love.

    Kick them out and see how far they get.

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