U.S. to arm Ukraine’s F-16s with advanced weapons

U.S. to arm Ukraine’s F-16s with advanced weapons

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Fantastic! Great! But this advanced weapons won’t do shit if F-16 are not in Ukraine! Ffs!

  2. It looks like just more of the same missiles they’ve already been sending. Undoubtedly some (or all?) of these will be more effective launched from an F-16, but there must be a good selection of other missiles that Ukraine could make good use of, and save the US a fortune on decommissioning costs.

  3. We’ve been hearing “during the summer” for a long time.

    They’re only 51 days left in summer so it’s about time we saw some actual Jets.

  4. Are they there yet? Or is this more talk….

    It’s been over a year since they were promised.

  5. That’s wonderful. Will the US allow Ukraine to actually *use* them to defeat the Russian invasion?

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