Alex Yee takes gold for GB in the Mens Olympic triathlon, with an insane comeback in the final moments!

Alex Yee takes gold for GB in the Mens Olympic triathlon, with an insane comeback in the final moments!

Posted by zrkillerbush

  1. I was worried that we might lose silver to the french, and then Yee full on sprints at the end to take gold!

  2. Can’t believe he cleared the 14 second gap in less than half a lap, absolutely insane. Must have been a combination of pacing his own race and Wilde blowing up at the end

  3. How tf did Yee win that?! I’m so dumbfounded right now lol. One moment he was like 10 seconds behind Wylde, the next he runs up right behind him and overtakes him in the very final stretch of the run. Insane how he pulled that off. Crazy stuff.

  4. What a finish. So happy for the 2 Portuguese, coming in 5th and 6th, just 13 seconds off the 3rd place. What a result!

  5. Any triathlon expert can confirm whether turning on your after rockets & overtaking the leader near literally the last bend of the race is a common occurrence in the triathlon??

  6. Between this and Pidcock I think we have most dramatic finishes at Olympics this time round absolutely nailed. 😂

  7. Absolute madlad, 15+ seconds down 2 laps to go. +12s on the last lap and then that last half of the last lap he just turned everything up to 11. Fantastic by him. He looked like he might even lose silver to Bergere at one point.

  8. Feel like being good at cycling isn’t very important when drafting is allowed. You essentially “just” have to be strong enough to get into the front peloton after the swimming part (easier said than done of course) and then be the best runner at the end. Gaps are extremely hard to make before the run on a course like this.

  9. Absolutely insane finish from Yee but fucking hell it’d be nice for Wilde to get a Comm Games or Olympics without suffering utter heart break at the hands of his mate some time soon.

  10. That kick at the end was absolutely insane. The cameras didn’t pick it up until right as he’d closed to gap. What a beast!

  11. That finish was absolutely insane!!

    I thought boy done good leading most of the running segment and dropped back – good effort lad…

    and then boom!

    he just starts that sprint – surely not?! surely not?!


    He earnt that gold!!

  12. Oh my God I switched away from it with like 10 minutes to go because I was like, welp, this is Wilde’s gold. I regret it!

  13. that course on the river blew apart the womens field, I am suprised it didn’t do the same to the men

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