Man who is terrified to debate Kamala goes on FOX News to imply world leaders would not respect her because she is a woman.

Man who is terrified to debate Kamala goes on FOX News to imply world leaders would not respect her because she is a woman.

Posted by VomitingPotato

  1. Trump gave that speech at the un or w/e and everyone laughed at him cause it was so dumb.

  2. Or when Trump told Erdogan not to attack our Kurdish Allies in Syria but he did it anyways, so Trump… complained about the Kurds not helping us in Normandy?

    What a weird response.

  3. Apparently these assholes have never heard of Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel.

    And also, there a nonzero amount of evidence that Trump provided the names of secret agents who were targeted.

  4. What a sexist thing to say. There are and have been many strong female world leaders. He is superimposing his personality on them. Projecting as you may like better.

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