Americans Disgusted After Jealous and Weird Trump Implies That Kamala Harris Is Mentally Ill

Americans Disgusted After Jealous and Weird Trump Implies That Kamala Harris Is Mentally Ill

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. She has a hearty, wholesome, happy, laugh. He has never laughed in his life. Very weird. One of them is mentally ill.

  2. It doesn’t work Trump. Something will eventually, but so far it doesn’t work.

    Keep trying though. Hopefully we will just eventually realize everything he says is fishing for what bias we have in our heads that is going to stick.

  3. Deflect , deflect, deflect, was it a pot and kettle or was it a pan. Who cares. We all know what he is. He’s definitely not presidential material. Insane narcissist , rapist, racist, misogynist, pedophile. Ivanka could probably elaborate further. Disgusting scum bag

  4. Attention all white boomer women: you’re probably going to be dead soon. This is your last chance to see what it would be like for a woman to be president. The ballot box is private

  5. Everytime Trump opens his mouth he says something HORRIBLE. He is a horrible man who wants to bang his own daughter. Don Jr isn’t any better calling his 17 year old daughter sexy. Trump talked about Ivankas breasts when she was only ONE!! He’s on video! Yet maga will worship him and claim to be “christians” while posting pictures of ham sandwiches and comparing them to their daughters vaginas. They are gross weird people. To be avoided at all costs. I won’t let my daughter anywhere near a Trump worshipper. They are clearly okay with old guys wanting to bang little girls… gross

  6. I would not only challenge Trump to a Presidential debate but a board certified psychiatric exam! LOL 😂

  7. Look let’s be honest… it takes a lot to make ‘Muricans disgusted – we have to remember they voted for the muppet knowing his previous history.

  8. Weird old man does weird , middle of the night, old man tantrum because he isn’t the center of attention.

    Very weird

  9. It’s is apparent Trump has dementia. Kinda a triple whammy since his already suffers from malignant narcissism and Adderall addiction complications.

  10. More and more every day I feel Harris is going to win, and we haven’t even gotten to the DNC nor heard who her VP will be.

    But I’m just SOOOOO friggin’ tired of this poor excuse of an orange, rapy, weird existence. Like go away. Leave. Be done already and keep him off anything and everything.

  11. He really has nothing doesn’t he? I can’t recall an election that one candidate ran solely on insults

  12. mentally ill eh?? so perfectly sane people post random all caps posts to their social media accounts at 2 am ??

  13. There should be billboards that Ivanka needs to pass every day that point out his lust for her. She could have shut him down but clearly hasn’t.

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