Hans you aren’t even being slick with this one 😭

Hans you aren’t even being slick with this one 😭

by Sylveon_Mage

  1. I was in (Central-West) Germany this weekend and I saw more anti-AfD propaganda in the streets, then pro-AfD. Also, the locals were quite vocal about being against AfD, whenever politics are mentioned.

    There still seems to be more good Hänsels und Gretels than evil ones.

  2. Jesus Christ.  Why is every political party filled with regards? 
    No matter who I vote for, in the end I vote for mentally ill people. 

    This shit is unreal. 
    How do Americans cope with this? 

  3. Can we address the more fantastical element of this poster that is a German couple with three children?

  4. And once again, the Nazi “ubermensch” is some short, balding, chinless soylet.

    Those kids probably aren’t his.

  5. For someone who only knows the words wir and kinder this reads as “we shoot our children”

  6. How I would’ve made this picture less sus would be to do it with both arms and the children standing under both arms

  7. Unfortunately placed arms aside…

    This ad made me realise I can’t remember the last time I saw an advertisement campaign in Europe that doesn’t feature an interracial couple.


  8. You know there’s the woman where you have at least a bit of plausible deniability, like she’s using her left hand and it isn’t 100% straight

    And then the man on the left is just straight up doing the gamer greeting

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