Two Tu-22M3 Damaged in Strike on Russia’s Olenya Airfield

Two Tu-22M3 Damaged in Strike on Russia’s Olenya Airfield

by UNITED24Media

  1. Good. 

     I guess this is the “flying claymore” (made this up on the spot, don’t know the official name) design that we saw demoed earlier where it flies over the apron and explodes, sending hundreds of hot metal fragments out in a wide sector piercing the fuselages in in a number of places, hopefully also some that are hard to repair or even detect.

  2. Great news!

    Keep going Ukraine, until the orcs have nothing left to attack you with.

    Slava Ukraini!

  3. I must make a note that these aircraft are a critical point of the Russian Nuclear Triad. Without them Russia cannot deploy a significant quantity of their nuclear weapons quickly. As such shooting one technically triggers a forced Russian response to “remove the threat” to their triad “up to and including nuclear response”.

    Russia has not nuked Ukraine. Ukraine has hit several of these airframes already.

    Every single time Ukraine takes one down.. you prove to the world that “escalation” is bullshit.

  4. No such thing as damaged if there are “holes in the fuselage”…these are fucked. They won’t hold pressure at altitude and likely have structural issues. They don’t make them any more.

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