Six people arrested after machete fight in Southend-on-Sea

Six people arrested after machete fight in Southend-on-Sea

by nunoluz

  1. In the 60s the Mods and the Rockers would all travel out of London to seaside towns and have their dust-ups there. I wonder if this is similar stuff – gang beefs being played out away from home?

  2. But the police never arrest anyone in these situations because of two tier policing!

    At least that’s what this sub said…

  3. >Daniel Cowan, Labour leader of Southend City Council, in the wake of the incident said there had been a “large influx of young people”.

    Sounds like it was something organised most likely “fun” rather than violence, a large group who came up with a going out plan via TikTok or another app. Then from that group or groups trouble emerged. There is usually a relatively serious police presence down there and there are videos from earlier in the day of things git a little rowdy. But it might have led to the police getting stretched.

    Some of the videos in in the late sun while others after sunset so the disturbances lasted an hour at least and look to have moved into the town at one point.

    (edited looks like it was a huge party on Jubilee Beach. Hundreds at a day time party/rave. This trouble very much looks like it emerged from that)

  4. Starting to turn into the purge only there’s no time limit.

    Just awful what been going on the last few weeks.

  5. There used to be this song on Saints Row 2 called “Gangsta Bitch” and one of the lines was something like “used to play fight with machetes” so I’m guessing this is just a lovers tiff.

  6. These sort of Knives should not be carried in public , they are as much of a menace as guns . Mandatory prison sentences . There may be a legit reason for having such weapons, but there is no reason to have one tucked down your trousers.

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