Learn the difference

Learn the difference

by Antique_Doughnut1922

  1. I love the fact that most of the time, it is Germans posting this stuff about northern and southern Italy

  2. Meh, there’s a fine line to racism… and you just barged over it

    That imagery is neither funny nor witty, it’s just racist

  3. Once occupied and administered by Austria vs Never occupied and administered by Austria

    It really does make a difference!

  4. there should be a femboy on the left tbf

    and a short one at that to make it more accurate

  5. Unironicaly when I was on Sicily I was wondering if I am seeing masses of inbreeding victims.

  6. The northern one should be drowning in mud, considering all the flood they’re getting

  7. The cope is incredible. Sweden has a muslim population of less than three percent and we are made fun of (rightfully so—religious zealots are regarded) constantly. If you’re trying to say that half of your country doesn’t represent represent Italy as a whole, what is your actual point? Make your shit better.

  8. This is straight up racism. And we are talking about people from the same country.

  9. Spain or Greece were longer under Roman rule (aka civilisation) than northern Italy. But good luck with the coping.

  10. Indeed, one is friendly and makes great food, the other is more like us Germans.

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