Could London follow Paris’ Olympic efforts and make River Thames clean enough to swim?

Could London follow Paris’ Olympic efforts and make River Thames clean enough to swim?

by curiouscareleaver

  1. Except it was ruled that the Seine is not actually clean enough to hold the triathlon.

    So “no”.

  2. Not whilst Thames Water dump literal dump into it whilst raising our prices and siphoning it off to shareholders…

  3. If we renationalise the water, probably. If we continue to allow Thames Water to rip us off, whilst laughing all the way to the bank, zero possibility.

  4. Notwithstanding that I don’t believe the Seine is ACTUALLY clean (think we might see a few ill triathletes in the coming days) surely the Thames would always be too tidal for safe swimming until you were pretty significantly upstream from London? My understanding has always been that it’s far too dangerous for swimming because of its depth and fast currents (and it sees quite a bit more shipping activity than the Seine, I think – but I might be wrong about that.)

    We definitely should stop pouring sewage into the Thames though. It’s criminal what the water companies get away with and they should really be re-nationalised or at least properly sanctioned.

  5. What are Paris’ Olympic efforts exactly? Just saying you can swim in it because we want you to? Because we can as well just say you can swim in the Thames, that doesn’t mean you actually should

  6. The new super sewer is supposed to prevent sewage overflows into the Thames, it could one day be clean enough but highly doubt it

  7. The Thames is already significantly cleaner than the Seine, as is demonstrated by the aquatic life living inside it. 

    Both rivers are polluted when rain overflows sewage into them. Hopefully Thames tideway will help stop that.  

     I wouldn’t swim in the Thames though, it’s very murky (silty) and tidal, i.e., dangerous.

  8. The Thames is clean enough to swim… beyond Teddington lock. The tidal Thames is always going to be murky due to being, well, tidal which also draws in shit from the sea. It’s also extremely congested so I’m not sure that’s ever happening. We have lots of lidos, ponds, and even docks which provide outdoor swimming so I don’t see why it should even be necessary.

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