Found in Tartu in Estonia

Found in Tartu in Estonia

by susannamaria

  1. Does that mean that there are no good people left, because clearly evil is triumphing

  2. Good people participate in rightwing nationalistic rallies and call muslims cockroaches. TIL

  3. I assume moving to safe Estonia and putting up stickers means doing “something”?

  4. This sandwich man doesn’t deserve any recognition other than fsb pocket chihuahua who got unlucky

  5. LoL, why is his face on a sticker. It’s not him who said this quote originally.

  6. If good people act stupid than evil will also triumph.

    It is not enough to do “something”. The hard part is doing what must be done without undreaming the good dream and without getting evil yourself.

    No evil was ever defeated with another evil, this is just an evil replacement.

    Sometimes you do not fight evil with the same methods as evil fights you. The important thing: preparing for the time when evil will defeat itself is not doing “nothing”.

    Only fight the battles you are prepared for… or do not fight at all but keep preparing.

    >”To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

    >”He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.”

    Some things may interpreted as doing “nothing” from stupid good people.

  7. Must be many good people over in Russia then.

    I’m sorry but Navalny’s remark is slightly out of touch with reality.
    I believe there are indeed many good people who were and are very active but the problem is that good people only do things allowed by law. Evil does not care for law or morals and as we all know not following rules gets you much further much more easily. That’s why evil always wins. It’s not exactly because the good doesn’t exist but because the good can’t do the same bad things to change the situation evil is doing easily all the time.

    That’s a century old philosophical problem. For the good to win it must do evil things to the evil person. And by definition that’s not possible for the good.

  8. Basically the definition of Russia population…. except some real partisans setting military buildings on fire 🔥.

  9. That’s a bad sticker of Cristiano Ronaldo. It almost looks like that british agent Navalny, who got caught on camera asking millions of $ from the British Embassy to overhtrow Putin.

  10. As a Ukrainian I cringe when I see this guy. I am sorry for your loss, but he supported what is happening now in Ukraine from the start. Fighting against regime is not the same as fighting against Russian imperialism – he was part of it. Russians need to learn to live outside of their imperialism.

  11. Good summary of Navalny’s role in opposition actually – he was averting from active stand up against regime all along which lead to loosing supporters from 100k in early 2010s to none.

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