PSG have been working on Kimmich for several months. FCB now more open to selling to not lose him for free next year. The player is not considering leaving this summer & in order to keep his options open next summer. France not his priority, England & Spain being his most preferred destinations

PSG have been working on Kimmich for several months. FCB now more open to selling to not lose him for free next year. The player is not considering leaving this summer & in order to keep his options open next summer. France not his priority, England & Spain being his most preferred destinations

by pewpewlasersandshit

  1. So Kimmich and Davies leave on free transfers in 2025, let’s just accept it now and move forward.

  2. I mean, what was to be expected? He’s allowed to have a preferred position. He got (imo unfairly) the most criticism during the disaster season because of Tuchels loose media lips complaining about not having a dm and attaching that entire conversation to him specifically (not his job to build the fucking squad). And up until just recently with the club wide issues, no one seemed to be batting an eye at him being worth his salary and being one of the most important players (future captain remember). If I’m kimmich I’m not letting those fuckers upstairs pressure me one way or another so long as I have my contract.

  3. I honestly hate this trend of more players sitting out their contracts to secure a massive signing fee. It takes the money away from the clubs and the sport and puts it straight into the players pockets, which hurts the entire sport in the longrun. We’re at this point, where I think there needs to be rules to prevent this. Put a pretty low cap on signing fees or ban them entirely. Clubs could obviously still pay the players a higher salary if they get them for free, but that would unsettle the wage structure and could lead to frustration within the squad, so it’s not as simple as these stupid signing fees.

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