All-island Rail Review

All-island Rail Review

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Holy shit, if I can do Lisburn > International I’ll be so happy. I have doubts it’ll happen in our lifetime though. Any of us.

  2. This is both a massive improvement and absolutely pathetic at the same time

  3. How does it compare to 1920 (or whatever that map is that’s always posted)?

  4. With Fermanagh left out, of course. They’ll need to change that All Ireland title. Nonsense.

  5. Is this what they are going to start working on?? Too much common sense here to believe it.

  6. Irish government present these healthcare reforms, transport improvements etc in nicely laid out, easy to read reports with nice pictures, maps, tables etc. It gets your hopes up. But then these plans never materialise into anything. They have the ideas, but can’t execute.

  7. Won’t happen sadly at least on the northern side of things. DUP won’t let the folks west of the bann have nice things

  8. Is the Sinn Fein money tree in ROI paying for this aye?

    Commendable idea that it is, I imagine it’ll cost a fortune.

    And I highly doubt people will be happy to see their taxes increase to pay for the construction of it, or will whinge at the high fares to pay to recoup the large investment required for its construction.

  9. Final nail in the coffin for any hope of reviving the cork to Youghal route

  10. We desperately need a direct Derry-Dublin line. They had it when the Pope was here a few years ago so there’s no reason not to do it.

  11. This would be great! I go to Cavan for work quite a bit and this would actually make the commute feasible by public transport. It currently is absolutely impossible. There’s a bus connection via Enniskillen but it’s so shite it’s completely out of question unless you’d be staying the night in Cavan.

  12. I’ll never understand the lack of direct rail between Galway, Shannon, and Cork. Seems like a no brainer of a route

  13. Who would operate the Letterkenny to Derry line? Surely it would have to be NI Railways considering its completely separate from the Irish Rail Network

  14. Loada shite never going to happen. Wouldn’t think they’re be even a dozen passengers on the omagh to Derry morning train. Maybe a handful of students for magee.

  15. What’s the point in building a whole new double track from newry to Belfast via Banbridge when the Portadown line still exists? Would it not be a better idea to make it a single track? And a Craigavon station? If you have that line there will be no use for any improvements on the line if they will all just go to civilian use. At that point make it bus routes direct from stations?

  16. It’s about time the train network on this island got more love, shame it isn’t more extensive, but it’s promising, I just hope it actually happens for once

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