English Defence League could be proscribed as terror organisation, suggests Angela Rayner

English Defence League could be proscribed as terror organisation, suggests Angela Rayner


by corbynista2029

  1. In before the idiots start piling in saying that the EDL were disbanded.

    The real media are reporting that EDL supporters were organising the riots yesterday, not EDL, **EDL SUPPORTERS**.

  2. Somehow everyone in that article header picture looks exactly how I’d expect an EDL supporter to look.

  3. This will just make more people want to join a renamed group. There is nothing quite like perceived persecution to fire up the people.

  4. Elephant Dick Lovers (EDL) are going to be banned?

    Well thats my plan out the window to make a fortune selling bootleg Dumbo boxed set DVDs.

  5. So I suppose all of the people wanting us to listen to the core concerns of these people feel the same about the riots last week, or the school protests in Birmingham?

    Or is it only the (wh)right people that deserve to be listened to?

  6. They are a cancerous tumour on society.

    Should have been proscribed as a terrorist group a long time ago.

  7. I wonder if Paddy Power are taking bets on the results of the impending race war?

  8. People here are conflating concerns about immigration with smashing up a mosque.

    One is a debate to be had.

    The other is being a thug, targetting a minority who is being tarred with the same brush.

    You can’t get defensive at people saying “White people are racist,” but then act like “All Muslims are terrorists”

  9. They should be.

    They didn’t come down to help the parents. They gave less than a shit about them grieving, at the rawest time possible. They gave less than a shit about those 6-9 yr olds who suddenly understood the world wasn’t a safe place and were traumatised. They came to be violent.

    And they attacked a place and people, *that had nothing to do with the attack*. They attacked and injured emergency services that again, *had nothing to do with it*.

    They wanted to spread pain, and violence and fear. They wanted to hurt people who were already hurting, just because they have different coloured skin. They wanted to hurt people because they are racists.

    Thugs to good a word for them.

  10. If there were no Muslims, Blacks, or Asians, these arseholes would just find someone else to hate. They just like fighting, hating the police, and flag shagging. In a few weeks time they’ll be waiting around the corner from the train station, to beat up visiting away fans. Southport is just an excuse to get drunk and kick off.

  11. This is not dealing with the people that spread misinformation on social media. And there is no point pretending that if you go after individuals russians bots can’t just fill the gap.

    Make more of an effort to humiliate peoole who get their news from social media. Teach people it’s a genuinely embarassing way to get information, and do not hold back. You can’t take away freedom of speech, but you can absolutely ridicule certain kinds of it, and educate against it.

    If you’re downvoting this because you get news from reddit of all places, hang your head in shame. Ffs.

  12. Unfortunately I dont think it will even matter to these people, they’ll just change the way they work a la National Action.

  13. About time…and I also want to see all those involved yesterday brought to justice.

  14. Is the going to be known as the Summer of Madness in the history books?

  15. Honestly good. They’ve been mollycoddled for to long. We need a mass crackdown on these sorts of groups, their supporters and their instigators.

    I know some will say this will just make them fight back worse. But look around their already getting worse. Right now we’re still able to beat them back. Why give up anymore ground to these thugs?

  16. Don’t you have to plan a terror attack to be proscribed as a terrorist group? Is rioting enough? Has any non far right group ever been proscribed for rioting?

  17. I have watched various news on this.

    The time to remain presidential or prime ministerial has gone.

    These people should be labelled as SCUM.

    Every single person that was there.

    Fucking Scum!

  18. Anyone else get the feeling that this has got almost as much attention and screams of outrage than the original murder of the 3 girls?

    And it’s the same thing every time there’s a terror attack.

    These people may be unsavoury, but for goodness sake, get your priorities straight.

    (And no, I am not siding with this mob, nor any lawlessness, nor any targeting of random innocent Muslims or others for any reason)

  19. It’s kinda strange to me that you seem to have more people upset and angry over a riot than the stabbing and killing of kids. But I’m not from the UK so what do I know.

  20. I agree, they are terrorists. The majority of the rioters in Southport were EDL .

  21. No extremist, radical murdering scumbags should ever think of coming to Northern Ireland, I don’t care what race or religion it won’t be tolerated here like everywhere else.

  22. This doesn’t really make sense to me. EDL in Liverpool? Unlikely of scousers to be in the EDL and unlikely from non scousers who are in the EDL to go to Liverpool…

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