Cycle to work day tomorrow! Drop your tips + useful links below

Cycle to work day tomorrow! Drop your tips + useful links below

by LDNCyclingCampaign

  1. We’ll start –

    Top tips for cycling in London: [](

    How to plan a safe route: [](

    Where to get cycle training and help: [](

    How to stop your bike getting stolen: [](

    Find a local bike shop: [](

  2. Step one. Don’t be like the people in the picture, wear a helmet. Your brain is squishy and you really don’t want it squished.

    Quite shocking actually that your first link contains nothing about pushing people towards wearing helmets. Seems somewhat irresponsible.

  3. Get everything ready the night before.

    Take a spare set of clothes to change into and shower if you can

    Take tools and spare inner tube and know how to use them to fix a puncture

  4. Got knocked off my bike once and my head hit the floor so hard enough to make me make sure I’ll wear a helmet as much as possible

  5. Be careful with the heat out there, bring some water of sorts. Also please do stop at red lights. I see too many cyclists (ranging from lime bikes to the full kit w*nkers) going through, not just because it’s the law but I see WAY too many close shaves. Please be sure to overtake on the right and not on the inside also if you can, and please signal. You’d be surprised how many people don’t do this. Other than that, enjoy it!

  6. Use citymapper and select the Quiet Option for a route off the main roads

    Be patient, give pedestrians right of way if possible

    Don’t be afraid to act like a car and cycle in the middle of the road, it’s often safer

  7. If you’re cycling down Broadway Market, as the people in the photo are, expect someone to walk out in front of you every 3 seconds

  8. Assume all motor vehicles are driven by psychopaths who want an excuse to maim/ kill you and cycle accordingly.

  9. Top tip!

    Stop for peds at lights and zebra crossings; most assume you arent an arsehole and will cross expecting you to stop.


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