Iran hisst die rote Flagge der Rache

Iran hisst die rote Flagge der Rache

Iran Raises Red Flag Of Revenge

  1. I get that Iran hates Israel, but unlike with Soleimani, Haniyeh isn’t even an Iranian national. He’s just a militia leader of a foreign nation, so why would they care?

  2. What are they gonna do, botch some missile launches and send their FM to do more annoying overseas interviews?

  3. I know israel is now going to suffer now a bit but I find the iranian regime not only a big danger but also kinda hilarious and ridiculous in the most ridiculous of ways. I mock and laugh at you iranian regime

  4. What are they going to do? Get all of their missiles shot down again? Blow up their own airliner? Behead some women for showing their hair?

  5. At least they didn’t fly their giant pink polka-dot boxers or, even more sinister, the Red Longjohns of Immense Disappointment.

  6. This is so Monty Python. I wonder if they’ll send dozens of guys whistling to simulate missile sounds or something like that.

  7. Hahahahahahahaha, red flag of what? That’s sounds like something out of child’s play. Oh no! Skeletor has raised the red flag of REVENGE!

    I swear, this fucking humanity…

  8. So you don’t like your neighbour. Maybe you have a valid reason, maybe you don’t. So you stand somewhere in your garden, and you supply stones, and send other people to throw those stones at your neighbour’s house from elsewhere, in the street. Then one of those people you sent, returns into your garden and sits on a chair. The neighbour sees him there, and whacks him from over the fence. And now you are offended and have a duty’ to exact revenge… It’s a crime, and an affront.
    What makes you think, the neighbour hasn’t a right to actually whack YOU???
    Maybe the precise destruction of an air defence system at a sensitive and ‘highly secure’ site in Iran a while ago, wasn’t warning enough…

  9. >The flag has been raised for the sixth time in Iran’s history.

    >Last time the flag appeared on the eve of Iran’s unprecedented missile and drone attack on Israel in April this year.

    Wow it went from a historic event to a somewhat regular thing they do nowadays real fast.

  10. I’m frankly jealous, where’s our Red Flag of Revenge? It just sounds so cool! Do they have any others, like say The Blue Flag of Okayness?

  11. This is one of the guys who supported Osama Bin Laden. Fuck him. I’m glad they took him out and Iran’s “oh no how dare you” bullshit can go right up their ass. Fuck them, revenge for a mass murdering piece of shit? Fuck’em

  12. Over a mosque?

    Since all religions are just as violent, I’m sure this is something that the hindis, Jews, and Christian’s do too, right?

    Something Jesus said I think, if they slap your cheek, raise the red flag of revenge

  13. So, Palestinians are Iranians now? Get them on the buses to Tehran then.Refugee crisis over!

  14. “Red flag of revenge”? That’s some George R. R. Martin level shit.

  15. Israel is probably laughing at this.

    In April Iran and its allies(syria and Hezbollab) fired 120 ballistic missiles, 30 cruise missiles and launched 70 drones in a attack on Israel. They killed one person(who was a Bedouin Muslim) and injured 30. Israel, the US, UK France and More and shot down 99% of what Iran put in the air.

    A week later Israel hit Iranian targets with practice “dummy munitions” proving they could hit targets with impunity in Iran while Iran cannot hit targets in Israel.

    Last October,Israel shot down a Iranian made Ballistic missile fired by the Houthis in Yemen while the Missile was outside of the Earths atmosphere becoming the 2nd country in the world to have a “Space Kill”, the other being the US who shot down one of its own spy satellites just to show the Soviets they had capability to do it in the 1980s

    Yesterday Israel killed Hamas leader in Irans capital.

    Iran is just trying to save face because they now there fucked in a conventional war situation against Israel, hence Irans use of proxies using terrorist tactics(Hamas, Hezbollah, The Houthis)

  16. What are they going to do, kill more children playing soccer? I’m sure that will get them on the right side of history.

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