Reported to be the first photo of F-16 in the sky over Ukraine

Reported to be the first photo of F-16 in the sky over Ukraine

by Igor0976

  1. In my opinion what Ukraine should do is deploy a ton of decoys of these things. Russia is going to do everything they can to destroy these jets. Nice to see them finally in the sky’s though

  2. At that resolution and lack of landmarks it could just be a screenie from DCS.

  3. I mean this obviously is proof of nothing, but that’s fine, I don’t want to know.. I’d rather see the aftermath of their presence and not have anyone know if they are out there or not.

  4. I worry that overblown expectations of the F-16 will lead to disappointment and discouragement even when the F-16s perform well. Their arrival is only one more step toward Ukrainian victory – a big step, but only a step.

  5. Fingers crossed – best of luck to those pilots…and ground crews…and mission planners…

    Anyone expecting F-16’s to miraculously turn the Ukr AF into the USAF with all it’s capabilities to curb stomp opponents is smoking crack

    What they have done is introduce a capable but mediocre airframe into a disadvantaged fight against an airforce that has been learning to pick off ukr jets from long range for 2 years. Other than maybe a good ECM pod and better situational awareness, it isn’t much better off than Ukr’s current jets.

    Here’s to hoping Ukr can out smart the hate boner Rus currently has for blowing one of these to pieces.

  6. Ukraine only has 6 pilots fully trained for the f-16. Don’t expect an impact anytime soon.

  7. Lots of comrades will be putting their pinched Crimean houses up for sale in the near future.

  8. Might have had its first use against all those shaheed drones that got shot down

  9. I’m still amazed F16s can fly. Tiny wings with tons of shit hanging off the bottom

  10. I’m only sad that Juice was unable to fulfill his dream of flying one.

    Here’s to the rest of Ukraine’s fierce pilots honoring his name.

  11. That’s about time. NATO is a shame. This could have saved lives. Yet they took almost 3 years to make it happen.

    Ukrainian deaths are in your conscience, alongside with Putin’s.

  12. “Думская” watermark
    Odessa tabloid-style news site, with pro-russian smell
    unreliable news source tbh

  13. Maybe they’ll store them in neighboring NATO countries and move them into Ukraine by *CLASSIFIED* to prep them for sorties.

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