Russian aviation updates abruptly disappear from Putin briefings

Russian aviation updates abruptly disappear from Putin briefings

by vincevega87

  1. Russian “civilian” aviation updates have disappeared. I guess the lack of spare parts and planes that is required for the safe operation of their domestic fleet is no longer a concern for Putin.

  2. may be related to a new law passed by the duma banning use of cellphones to broadcast video from the warzone; russia appears to be cracking down on distribution of information that reveals sensitive information.

  3. Some general someplace has a couple of grand in his pocket after he sold all the planes for scrap.

  4. Sometimes when i read how shit things are going for the little tsar i wonder if he even knows that the whole world is laughing at him. Imagine that Western intelligence is 101 steps ahead of mr kgb – when they even know whats in briefings.

  5. “Shortly after the pledge, 283 billion rubles ($3.1 billion) was allocated to Rostec to manufacture 1,036 planes by 2030.”

    About 3 million dollars per passenger airplane, R&D included. Lol.

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