A friend of mine is amazed at how the Chicago train station. I told him I live in Europe bro, you should come see our stations!!!

A friend of mine is amazed at how the Chicago train station. I told him I live in Europe bro, you should come see our stations!!!


by patrick_thementalist

  1. i could post a picture of some train stations around northern germany, but mostly they’re only a platform and maybe a ticketing machine ^^

  2. >A friend of mine is amazed at how the Chicago train station.

    Seeing trains in use in the US must indeed be impressive.

  3. Let’s not forget that USA used to be a leading nation in rail travel. They are actually still doing quite well when it comes to cargo transport, but not great at passenger rail of course..

  4. At how the Chicago train station? I don’t get it, I think it’s missing a word there. Also, none of the stations I’ve seen in Europe were very impressive, especially France, Germany, and Poland. Ukraine has a few nice looking ones. French stations are just covered in pigeon poop. German stations seemed dirty. And Polish stations,well… looked like a train station.

  5. Train stations started being built in the 19th century, it’s not like we have unique Gothic stations from the middle age in Europe. There are some beautiful ones and many ugly ones on both sides of the Atlantic.

  6. We destroyed our nicest train station in 1963 but Chicago’s is pretty nice too

  7. Friend: tries to be nice and shares some pictures to show you around

    OP: ….bUt i iN eUrOpE!!!

  8. Yes you should come see all drug addicts at Frankfurt central station, that is really beautiful

  9. It’s not a competition… Let’s appreciate this beautiful architecture without one-upping each other.

  10. I’m also amazed at how the Chicago train station. It’s just so. And especially.

  11. Americans building size is something else. never realized until ive been there.

  12. Geez, look at Hamburg Central, the most used train Station in Europe.

    Chicago is a well kept palace compared to Hamburg

  13. I’m amazed that no one has mentioned grand central. Even Denver has a union pacific station that is gorgeous. They just get used for different purposes then long haul trains now.

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