Putin’s control of the war narrative ‘can only last for a certain period of time’ | Philip Ingram

Putin’s control of the war narrative ‘can only last for a certain period of time’ | Philip Ingram

“The level of control that Vladimir Putin’s got over the information operation domestically, and his ability to influence the Russian thinking in that this is an essential conflict against NATO, protecting Russia from, and Russia’s very existence, that can only last for a certain period of time.”

Putin’s control over the narrative of his invasion of Ukraine will not hold forever as Russian casualties reach ‘”unsustainable” levels, Col. Philip Ingram tells Frontline on #timesradio

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  1. The West wins the propaganda war while the real war has been lost. Soon it will be yesterday's news like all America's wars Afghanistan Iraq libya …

  2. No it's not! Recruitment is voluntary that's a huge difference to forced conscription in the Afghanistan conflict , the resentment was huge as the military was amateur! Today a highly trained professional force fights alongside veterans and reservists that have volunteered and who are equipped with top level weaponry.
    If you did your research you would know this and fully understand why parents know a sacrifice must be made to protect Russian values and way of life.

  3. When people want to be lied to instead of having to deal with reality, propaganda is easy. Humans in general like to be lied to and especially desperate humans. To rational people Putin is obviously an habitual liar but rationality is way more rare in this world than people might think.

  4. The difference between Afghanistan and Ukraine is that the Russian bodies are not coming back now. They are left to rot and the Kremlin says they are MIA. Thereโ€™s mountains of evidence for it, but Putin still manages to hide from the dead soldiers families.

  5. If Russia capitulates, it will still take decades for the western axis to trust them again.
    It will also even longer to remove the huge amount of corruption from their psyche .

  6. I wonder, why don't WE provide these Nepalese with even better paying, safe jobs?
    We have labour shortages.
    I know them as beautiful well mannered, ambitious people.
    Should be to solve – isn't it?

  7. More lies and propaganda, this war could have been stopped in April 22. It is a catastrophic failure of diplomacy which has strengthened Russia and pushed them and China together. I can understand USA doing this but I can't understand how Europe went along with it. Germany stands by and watches usa take out Nordstream ? Madness

  8. On holiday last year one of our party came up to me and said out of the blue โ€ณThe West orchestrated the war in Ukraineโ€ถ. I said โ€ณYou don't need to tell me thatโ€ถ. I had finally met someone who had twigged.

  9. The difference with Afghanistan was that there wasn't one very frightened little tyrant set to take the fall for it. Losses in Ukraine are vastly higher, but Putin knows that he if can't deliver a significant victory he will lose power, and possibly his life. Of course, the question is only how quickly this is going to happen, which probably accounts for his recent purges in the military.

  10. NO war narrative .. your running propaganda, should this war be about propaganda Ukraine would win hands down, but this is war,and RU forces are slaughtering your proxy to the point of impossible to replace with internal insurgency in Ukraine by civilians against army recruiters , mass exorcise of Ukrainians from the country . mean time RU forces are effectively either killing upon meeting your proxy forces, surrounding them in villages to the point of either dying or fleeing, with RU forces simply saying their either meeting no resistance or freshly recruited troops who simply dont have the will to fight. deploying new drones with multiple war heads, new surface to air missiles increasing range of both air to air and ballistic like last nights attack covering 524 km and up to 1000 km.

  11. Very positive person. Even though away from reality. Very pessimistic.
    Russia lost soooo much but Ukraine gains nothing.
    Ukraine is devastated ruined no electricity no water supply. Millions have left Ukraine as refugees plus millions of internally displaced citizens of Ukraine. All doomed as war not ending soon 29 or 30 months or 10 years of war gone

  12. The west and Ukraine propaganda cannot last forever ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… this dat Ukraine is winning and they ar not nazisi ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  13. A large part of the Russian losses do not consist of ethnic Russians but of minority peoples. To that extent, the war can be described as an ethnic cleansing of non-Russians. But in the long term, the risk of a dissolution of the Russian Federation increases.

  14. WHY does nobody know what war is about. In Russia, 11 boy babies for 7 girl babies. It's because of a small peinas, It takes a large man to deposit his sause in the cul-de=sac.that gives the female seeds a chance.

  15. Pro-NATO types like this guy must live entirely within a propaganda bubble. The level of lying is so overwhelming it resists fact-checking. You fact check on the first 10 lies and in the same time he is on to lie 50.

  16. Oh….and it's 3 years later that the media catches up? Push off…….Reform UK is pushing Russian propaganda and you said nothing…..

    Anti-vax? look at the study with bots in 2018…..
    Anti-LBGTQ+? Look at russia's stance since 2013….
    Anti-woke? Look at the past 4 years…..
    Anti-migrant vitroil? Look at the last 3 days….

    The kinietic aspect of warfare may well be something of limited scope. But what is not….is propaganda….

    At least try and keep up…..

    The most ridiculous part of this…..is that the mainstream media is classed as something "professional".

    At least make an effort.

    How about explaining to people the concept of 5th generation warfare?

  17. I am also interested in understanding what happened to the USA in Afghanistan. It is a lie to suggest that Russia was interested in territorial in Ukraine. It was very clear with their objectives , no NATO membership, destruction of nationalis army, and recognition of self declared independent oblasts mainly occupied by Russians. Stop lying, but it is not surprising it is a propaganda.

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