Does anyone know why there are so many police at Westminster right now?

Does anyone know why there are so many police at Westminster right now?

by RandomUser_797

  1. Hard to have any sympathy for these nutjobs who weaponise a tragedy. absolute mental.

  2. English Dimwit League and the like probably out looking for something to give them purpose

  3. Wish they would actually hold a vigil for those children. Just taking some time out to think about them and their families.

    These men really just come out onto the streets and fight Dibble as much as they like. There don’t seem to be many consequences for their behaviour either.

  4. Wasn’t some bbc presenter appearing at the court? I passed there this AM and it was heaving with people/ reporters and police but not 100 percent sure.

  5. Bunch of inbreds on benefits with no GCSE’s have come to rub their combined 5 braincells together to “get are cuntry back from imagrants 🍺🍺”

  6. I work Uber night shift, after their “protest” I pick up these nutters and you can tell there’s something awfully off about them mentally.

    I always wonder if they would shank me in the neck whilst going around the corner, but luckily, they’re cowards when they are by themselves.

    Not so ‘ard when they are alone 

  7. It’s a protest by the bigoted scum of the English Defence League/BNP/BFP/Pegida UK/National Front/UKIP/Britain First/Reform bringing further shame on themselves and the country like they have for decades.

  8. I passed 5 full police vans going north when I was in Brixton earlier, they must’ve pulled units from all over London

  9. Fashion police should have nicked that fwit in the ill fitting shorts and filthy black socks. I’d give him 12 months minimum.

  10. The far right got dealt with by the met swiftly in Westminster, clearly the met was prepared for this one

  11. Gammon is cooking itself this evening.

    Hopefully they can let it rest in prison.

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