1984 Home computers

Found this in the loft from back in the day. I had a Commodore 64 but have collected all of the old gems over the years. I used to think the best game ever was Elite on the BBC but had to play that at a friends house, moved onto a spectrum 48k and Microsoft flight simulator. Sad I know. But it was good, simpler time back then.

by Dragonasi

  1. I had an Amstrad 464 and loads of games on tape – I loved Roland in Time and the Question of Sport Game and you could even pick them up in the post office. Then the tape deck broke and because my mum had got it from the catalogue, she could send it back for a new one. They’d stopped selling the 464 at this point so I ended up with an Amstrad 6128+ which was absolute dog poo. The games were cartridges and hard to get so I only had the demo game (Burning Rubber) which was crap and I’ve hated Alan Sugar ever since.

  2. I had a BBC Model B in the mid 1980s, but it was second hand. I’d never have been able to afford £400 for one. I upgraded from the Acorn Electron, and discovered how much better the Model B was. It had a Mode 7!

  3. Spent a whole day copying out the code from a magazine onto my CPC464, just to play a brick breaker game that crashed after the first level.

  4. I’m pretty sure most schools had the BBC ‘B’, and at home people had the Spectrum.

    I’m also pretty sure we’ve got a Spectrum in a box in the loft! (About £500 in today’s money)

  5. Thanks for sharing. Loved my Commodore 64 and had an out there Dragon before if I remember rightly

  6. When I was 5, my mum sent me dad to Sheffield to get a microwave. He came back with a C64. She wasn’t pleased, but I was absolutely ecstatic.

  7. Why would anyone pay £399 for a BBC when the C64 is sitting there in all it’s chunky fudge glory, and half the price?

    I wish someone would bring out a C64 style usb keyboard

  8. That brings back memories. I did my computer studies A level on a BBC model B. Before that we used an ancient timeshare system that had been donated

  9. I had that very model of Spectrum 48k back in the day.

    We eventually upgraded to the 128k with built in cassette player. Game changer!

    Still miss playing those, waiting for the tapes to load etc. There used to be a shop called Errol Computers in Walthamstow High St that was the highlight of my weekend to look around and get the tapes from. Opposite the Sainsbury’s which is still there.

  10. I got a 48k speccy for Xmas 1984!

    Years later, I ended up working for Psion – the company that published a load of the software in the free bundle!

  11. Bbc b with a floppy drive, I miss those days very much, I was fun reading those ads because something new with it’s own discrete os was always coming out, orics, dragons, good times

  12. Ah, and the Olympics reminds me of playing Daley Thompsons Decathlon on C64

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