F—6 flying over Lviv Ukraine! God speed!

F—6 flying over Lviv Ukraine! God speed!

by Either-Grand-4163

  1. Man, I hope they stay safe. I hope they cause chaos. I hope it all goes well.

    But prepare your minds for when one of these gets lost. Either on the ground or in the air. Just like the NATO tanks, nothing is invincible. I really dislike the media’s talk about ‘game changer’ nonsense. It’s a tool. A very GOOD tool.

  2. this is excellent and will help but please everyone remember to tmeper your enthusiasm. remember how excited we were for ukr to get western tanks and armour only for endless russian minefields to thwart the counter offensive

  3. There you are -I told you there are no F16’s in Ukraine and that they are not going to bomb Crimea. You buggers take no notice, that’s the trouble.

  4. There were reports that the Ukrainians were developing their own guided bombs to use Soviet stockpiles, will they be compatible with the F-16? It would be interesting to see the F-16 dropping the giant Soviet-era bombs.

  5. They’ll primarily focus on interdiction missions. Best system they have for that is F16. Give them the long range 200+ mile AA missles and the game could change.
    Start dropping ruskie planes out of the sky.

  6. I hope the Russians weep when they see American strength coursing through Ukraine

  7. Can anyone tell if it’s carrying armament under its right wing? If so what? Seems like a cruise missile of some kind but idk this stuff. Only has one of two equipped?

  8. They seem to be intentionally flying them over their large cities today to let their people see them and give them hope and confidence 🇺🇦 💪 what a morale boost!

  9. i can only imagine the feeling of the people on the ground seeing this over their heads for the first time.

  10. F6? Don’t look like a Hellcat and I can’t see the prop… clarification pronto por favor

  11. Lets wait to see them getting destroyed on the ground because Ukraine dont have plane bunkers. The f16 will be on top of russias target list so they will through alot of stuff to destroy them. Anti air or artillery would have been more usefull

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