F-16 over Ukraine

F-16 over Ukraine

by m_syava

  1. And so it became a f16, if u shout hard enough to a falcon ittll turn to an aegle.
    The wait has been rewarded.


  2. Stop posting Videos or Pictures which are showing positions, buildings,landscapes, transports of Military gear etc…….. it disturbes me deeply that you didnt learn from hunderts of postet Pics or Vids which ended in a Desaster . Thousands of ukrainian lives are lost because of this unsafe way to use Soc. Media

  3. I don’t know, but I think it’s not a good idea to share the position. You don’t know what telegram save in the meta data of the images….

  4. I dont think it would change much what many people faild to understand is that countries fight wars not armies no equipment alone can win you war its combined arms of air and ground diplomacy and logistics can win you war

    Conclusion ukraine can never win symmetrical war against russia

  5. Down side is that the Russians are going to be able to sit back and let people in Ukraine or the media post up their locations for clicks.

    “Hey guys! Here’s an F-16” will probably be the fastest way for a region to catch a missile for the next few months. The Russians will send everything they can to take these pilots, planes or crews out.

    OpSec is more important than PR.

  6. Oh yes, rain fire and death on those orcs. 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇧🇪 🤝 🇺🇦

  7. In America, we call that “the sound of FREEDOM”!
    About fukkin’ time!
    I’m hoping the next weeks will bring vengeance, rightfully earned, with interest, with double helpings.

  8. Yessss!!! Rain hell on those fuckers!!!
    So glad my country donated the F16’s!

  9. I felt a great disturbance in the blyat, as if millions of vodniks suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something beautiful has happened.

  10. The first time they turn the transponder on, just for effect, will be awesome.

  11. freaking send 2000 of those babys there yesterday, that’s how you quickly end a conflict.

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